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• <br /> Public Works and Property Vacation Committee <br /> October 26, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1 . Following discussion, Council Member Aranowski made a motion, seconded by Council <br /> Member Udjak that Bill No. 69-98 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion <br /> passed. <br /> The Committee then reviewed Bill No. 79-98 which would vacate 27th Street from the <br /> i1 <br /> south right-of-way of East McKinley Avenue to the north right-of way of East Colfax <br /> avenue for a distance of 700'. <br /> Dr. Varner noted that Lillian Buti, President of the Walnut Grove Mutual Housing <br /> Corporation had requested that Bill No. 79-98 be continued from the October 26th Council <br /> meeting Mrs. Buti then made the presentation. She noted that she would be presenting a <br /> 13-page petition signed by residents in the area in favor of the proposed vacation. She <br /> stated that the petition represents 51% of the residents of Walnut Grove. She then <br /> al presented a map (copy attached) which detailed emergency snow routes, no stop and no <br /> parking posted speed limit mit si n <br /> s and no truck zones. <br /> Mr. James Duxberry then supplemented Mrs. Buti's presentation. He noted that he had <br /> lived in the area for 39 years and that he was a member of h <br /> Y the Board for Walunt Grove <br /> Mutual Housing Corporation. He reviewed examples of vandalism of homes and vehicles <br /> in the area. He further noted that fire and emergency vehicles seldom use the proposed area <br /> to be vacated. He believes that the City of South Bend should address areas of security <br /> especially since most of the members of Walnut Grove are 70 years or older. <br /> Ray Vanett, Sr. a member of the Board for Walnut Grove Mutual Housing Corporation <br /> 11' spoke in favor of the proposed vacation. He noted that there are seven (7) other ways to <br /> Jefferson if this vacation would be approved. <br /> i <br /> Mr. Carl Littrell of the City's Engineering Department spoke against the proposed vacation. <br /> He noted that the Board of Public Works gave an unfavorable recommendation. He noted <br /> that 27th Street is one of three ways from 20th to Jefferson. He further noted that 27th <br /> Street and its curbs are designed to limit speeding. He added that Eddy and Logan are the <br /> only truck routes in the area. He further noted that there have been five (5) accidents on <br /> McKinley which is under the state's control. He believes that emergency access is <br /> necessary via 27th Street. He concluded that the street is a right-of-way which is needed <br /> for public access. He added that the City would be willing to look into traffic calming <br /> devices and other diversions from this neighborhood in an attempt to look at the traffic <br /> { problems in the area. <br /> In rebuttal,Mrs. Buti noted that she had lived in the area for 47 years. She stated that 27th <br /> Street has not been used as an emergency route. She added that the McKinley intersection <br /> is in deplorable condition and that there are no speed limit signs posted on 27th whereas <br /> there are on 26th Street. <br /> Under the Committee portion, Council Member Pfeifer stated that she would like to ask <br /> questions of a representative of the South Bend Fire Department. She stated that she is <br /> concerned about the safety of the entire area. She also voiced concern in light of the fact <br /> that the area does not presently have a District Council Member since John Broden has <br /> ' <br /> resigned. <br />