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BILL NO. 75-22 <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 10909-22 <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br /> INDIANA,ADOPTING AN INVESTMENT POLICY FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br /> FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2023 <br /> STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br /> The Indiana legislature has enacted Indiana Code § 5-13-9 et seq., which permits the fiscal <br /> officer of a city to make investments of public funds into designated investment vehicles. The <br /> Common Council of the City of South Bend determined that it is in the best interest of the City to <br /> authorize the full exercise of the City's investment powers under the Indiana Code. <br /> Accordingly,on December 14,2020,this Council enacted Ordinance No.10768-20 which <br /> established an investment policy for the City of South Bend for calendar year 2021, as provided <br /> under Indiana Code § 5-13-9-5.7, and it authorized the City Controller to dedicate up to the <br /> maximum allowable proportion of the City's investment portfolio to investments maturing more <br /> than two years but not more than five years after purchase. Ordinance No. 10768-20 further <br /> authorized the City Controller to invest in certain investment vehicles as provided under Indiana <br /> Code § 5-13-9-5 and Indiana Code § 5-13-9-5.3. On December 13, 2021, this Council enacted <br /> Ordinance No. 10832-21,which adopted an identical investment policy for the City of South Bend <br /> for calendar year 2022. <br /> This ordinance adopts an identical investment policy for the City of South Bend for <br /> calendar year 2023 unless it is earlier amended by ordinance. <br /> NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br /> CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA as follows: <br /> SECTION I. For purposes of Indiana Code § 5-13-9, the investment policy for the City <br /> of South Bend first adopted on December 14, 2020 is approved for calendar year 2023, and shall <br /> read as follows: <br /> With the approval of the City Controller, as the investing officer for the City of <br /> South Bend,the City may invest public funds in various investment vehicles,in accordance <br /> with Title 5, Article 13, of the Indiana Code, as amended from time to time. The City's <br /> investment portfolio may contain any investment vehicle generally provided for under <br /> Indiana Code § 5-13-9. In addition, the City Controller is granted the following specific <br /> authorizations: <br /> 1. Pursuant to Indiana Code § 5-13-9-5.7, the City Controller is authorized to <br /> make investments having a stated final maturity that is more than two (2) <br /> years but not more than five(5)years after the date of purchase or entry into <br /> a repurchase agreement, provided that such investments may comprise no <br /> more than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total portfolio of public funds <br /> invested by the City, including balances in transaction accounts. <br /> 2. Pursuant to Indiana Code § 5-13-9-5, the City Controller is authorized to <br /> invest in certificates of deposit of certain depositories, as defined by and <br /> subject to the requirements of Indiana Code§ 5-13-9-5,which authorization <br /> will expire on December 13, 2022. <br /> 3. Pursuant to Indiana Code § 5-13-9-5.3, the City Controller is authorized to <br /> invest in interest bearing deposit accounts that satisfy the conditions stated <br /> in Indiana Code § 5-13-9-5.3(b). <br /> SECTION II. That portion of the City's investment policy contained in Subparts (1) and <br /> (3) of Section I of this ordinance shall be effective from January 1, 2023 through December 31, <br /> 2023, unless earlier amended by ordinance. The City's investment policy as contained in Section <br /> 1, Subpart 2 of this ordinance affecting certificates of deposit shall be effective for a period of <br /> 1 <br />