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,._~ <br />~.. .S .-.~ ~rl~ Y"" »q+ <br />a. S. <br />- r•; ..~. t.~ <br />SECURITY FOR THE BONDS <br />DED ~ 9 ~~ <br />The Taxable Lease Rental Bonds are being issued by the Redevelopment Authority <br />and are secured by payments of Lease Rental to be paid by the Redevelopment <br />Commission directly to the Trustee (for the account of the Redevelopment <br />Authority) pursuant to the terms of the Lease. The Lease Rental is payable <br />beginning on the later of the date on which the Projects are complete and ready <br />and available for use or July 28, 1992. Thereafter, the Lease Rental is payable <br />semi-annually on each January 28th and July 28th. Capitalized interest in the <br />amount of $798,216 will be used to pay a portion of the interest on the Taxable <br />Lease Rental Bonds. <br />The Lease Rental to be paid by the Redevelopment Commission during the term of <br />the Lease is required to be in amounts sufficient to pay the principal of and <br />interest on the Taxable Lease Rental Bonds. Such annual rental is payable from <br />ad valorem property taxes. The bonds are secured by a pledge of unlimited ad <br />valorem property taxes levied on all taxable properties in the District. Each <br />year on July 1st or when the City prepares its budget, the Redevelopment <br />Commission shall estimate the amount of tax increment expected to be collected in <br />the subsequent calendar year. To the e:{tent tax increment is not available or is <br />not expected to be available on the dates on which the Lease Rental is due in the <br />subsequent year, the Redevelopment Commission shall annually levy a special <br />benefits tax on all taxable property iP. the District in accordance with IC 36- <br />7-14-27. <br />BOND R_yTIVG <br />;loody's Investors Service, Inc. (Moody's) has assigned a bond rating of <br />to the Taxable Lease Rental Bonds. Such rating reflects Only the view of Moody's <br />and any explanation of the significance of such rating may only be obtained from <br />Moody's. <br />The rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold the Taxable Lease Rental <br />Bonds, and such rating may be subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by <br />Moody's. Any downward revision or withdrawal of the rating may have an adverse <br />effect upon the market price of the Taxable Lease Rental Bonds. <br />The Redevelopment Authority did not apply to any other rating service for a <br />rating on the Taxable Lease Rental Bonds. <br />REDEMPTION PROVISIONS <br />The Taxable Lease Rental Bonds due on August 1, 1996, and thereafter are <br />redeemable. at the option of the Authority on August 1, 1992 or any date <br />thereafter in order of maturity and by lot within maturities as follows: <br />Redemttion Dates Redemption Prices <br />August 1, 1992 or thereafter on or before <br />July 31, 2000 103$ <br />August 1, 2000 or thereafter on or before <br />July 31, 2001 102 <br />August 1, 2001 or thereafter on or before <br />July 31, 2002 101 <br />August 1, 2002 and thereafter prior to maturity _ 100$ <br />v <br />-2- <br />