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Staff Report—BZA#0145-22 December 5, 2022 <br /> blight in the area. With proper buffering, the variance for parking in the front yard should not <br /> adversely affect surrounding properties. <br /> (3) The strict application of the terms of this Chapter would result in practical <br /> difficulties in the use of the property <br /> Strict application of the Zoning Ordinance would require the building to be demolished and <br /> relocated in order to allow access and parking in a different configuration. The window <br /> cavities appear to still be in place, which should eliminate any practical difficulty from <br /> reestablishing the proper transparency on the building. <br /> (4) The variance granted is the minimum necessary <br /> Provided the parking area is configured to meet current design standards and any excess <br /> pavement is removed, the variance should be the minimum necessary to allow for operation <br /> of the site. The variance requested for the transparency is not the minimum necessary since <br /> the windows can easily be reinstalled. <br /> (5) The variance does not correct a hardship cause by a former or current owner of <br /> the property <br /> The building was developed prior to standards that promoted street activation and <br /> pedestrian scaled design. The hardship for the building location was not created by the <br /> owner. The building, however, was designed with a large amount of windows that would <br /> meet or exceed the current Ordinance. They have been covered over time by previous <br /> owners and could easily be restored to meet the intent of the district. <br /> Analysis & Recommendation <br /> Analysis: With proper buffering and design, the proposed development should not have <br /> significant impact on surrounding residential property values. The development standards of the <br /> NC Neighborhood Center district should be applied to the property to help mitigate any impact <br /> on the surrounding neighborhood. This property is located at a commercial node along Portage <br /> Avenue. <br /> Staff Recommendation: Based on the information provided prior to the public hearing, the <br /> Staff recommends the Board send the petition to the Common Council with a favorable <br /> recommendation. The Staff recommends the Board approve variance#1 for parking in the <br /> established front yard, subject to meeting current development standards for off street parking <br /> and removing any excess pavement. The Staff recommends the Board deny variance#2. <br /> F i! ` ffice <br /> DEC o 6 ZOZZ <br /> DA\;\, M.JONES <br /> CITY CLERK,SOUTH BEND,IN <br /> SOUTH BEND BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Page 4 of4 <br />