Authorizing By-Laws and Resolutions
<br />This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company at a
<br />meeting held on May 12, 1995:
<br />"RESOLVED: That nny Senior or Group Vice President may authorize :m officer to sign specific documents, agreements and instruments on behalf of the
<br />Company provided thnt the nome of such authorized officer t111d a description of the documents, agreements or instruments that such officer may sign will be
<br />provided in writing by the Senior or Group Vice Prcesidonl to the Ss:cretnry of the Company prior to such execution becoming effective."
<br />This Power of Attorney is signed by Paul T. Bruflat, Vice President, who has been authorized pursuant to the above resolution to execute power of attorneys on
<br />behalf of Continental Casualty Company.
<br />This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by
<br />unanimous written consent dated the 25'" day of April, 2012:
<br />"Whereas, the bylnws of the Company or specific resolution of the Board of Directors has authorized various officers (the "Authorized Officers")to execute
<br />various policies, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature; and
<br />Whereas, from time to time, the signature of the Authorized Oflicers, in addition to being provided in original, hard copy format, mny be provided via facsimile or
<br />otherwise in an electronic format (collectively, "Electronic Signatures"); Now therefore be It resolved: thnt the Electronic Signature of'nny Authorized Offict:r
<br />shall be valid and binding on the Company. "
<br />This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following resolution duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by
<br />unanimous written consent dated May 10, 1995:
<br />··RESOLVED: That any Senior or Group Vice Pre, ident may authorize an officer to sign specific documents, agreements and instruments on behalf of the
<br />Company provide(! that the name of such authorizi?CI officer and a description of the documents, agreements or instrmnt:111s that such ollicer may sign will be
<br />provided in writing by the Senior or Group Vice President' to the Secretory of the Company prior to such execution becoming effective."
<br />This Power of Attorney is signed by Paul T. Bruflat, Vice President, who has been authorized pursuant to the above resolution to execute power of attorneys on
<br />behalf of National Fire Insurance Company of Hartford.
<br />This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by
<br />unanimous written consent dated the 2511, day of April, 2012:
<br />"Whereas, the bylnws of the Company or specific resolution of the Board or Directors has authorized various officers (the "Authorized Officers")to execute
<br />vnriow; policies, bonds, undertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature; and
<br />Whereas, from time to time, the signature of the Authorized Officers, in addition to being provided in original, hnrd copy format, may be provided via facsimile or
<br />otherwise in an electronic format (coUectively, "Electronic Signatures"); Now therefore be it resolved: thal the Electronic Si1,'llature of any Authorized Officer
<br />shall be valid and binding on the Company. "
<br />This Power of Attorney is made and executed pursuant to and by authority of the following resolution duly adopted by the Board of Di rectors of the Company by
<br />unanimous written consent dated May 10, 1995:
<br />"RESOL YEO: That any Senior or Group Vice President may authorize an officer to sign specific documents, agreements and instrumenls on behalf of the
<br />Company provided that the nmne of such 11uthor1zcd oflicer and a description of the documents, agreements or instn.rments that such ofTicer may sign will be
<br />provided in wri1ing by I.he Senior or Group Vice President to the Secretary of the Company prior to such execution becoming effective."
<br />This Power of Attorney is signed by Paul T. Bruflat, Vice President, who has been authorized pursuant to the above resolution to execute power of attorneys on
<br />behalf of American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania.
<br />This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company by
<br />unanimous written consent dated the 25'" day of April, 2012:
<br />"Whereas, the bylaws of the Company or specific resolution of the Board of Directors has authorized various officers (the "Authorized Officers")to execute
<br />various policies, bonds, w1dertakings and other obligatory instruments of like nature; and
<br />Whereas, from time to time, the signature of the Authorized Officers, in addition to being provided in original, hard copy fonnat, may be provided via facsimile or
<br />otherwise in an electronic format (collectively, "Electronic Signatures"); Now therefore be it resolved: th3t the Electronic Signature of any Authorized Officer
<br />shall be valid and binding on the Company. "