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<br />(1) <br />The East One-half (1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (1/4); and <br />A tract out of the Southeast corner of the West Half (1/2) of <br />the Southwest Quarter (1/4) described as Thirty-four (34) rods <br />North and South by Fourteen (14) rods East and West; and <br />South Thirty (30) acres off of and from the East One Hundred <br />Twenty (120) acres of the Northwest Quarter (1/4); and <br />A part of the Southwest Quarter (1/4) of the Southwest Quarter <br />(1/4) described as commencing at a point on the South section <br />line Fourteen (14) rods West of the Southeast corner of the <br />Southwest Quarter (1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (1/4), thence <br />West Sixteen (16) rods; thence North Forty-two (42) rods <br />Thirteen and One-Third (13 1/3) links; thence East Thirty (30) <br />rods; thence South Eight (8) rods Thirteen and One-third (13 <br />1/3) links; thence West Fourteen (14) rods; thence South <br />Thirty-four (34) rods to the place of beginning; <br />all of which described lands are located in Section Twenty (20) <br />Township Thirty-eight (38) North, Range Two (2) East. <br />Excepting therefrom 35.4 acres described as follows: Apart of <br />Section 20, Township 38 North, Range 2 East, bounded and <br />described as follows: <br />'>a,.:~ <br />.Tract No. l: Beginning at the center point of said section, <br />the same being the center of the Mayflower Road; thence <br />Southerly along the East line of the Southwest Quarter of said <br />Section 427 feet, to a point 650 feet Southerly measured at <br />right angles from the Center line of the Indiana East-West Toll <br />Road (A .Centerline Survey Map of which is on file in the office <br />of the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana); thence North 89 <br />degrees 52 minutes 23.3 seconds West distant 605.99 feet to a <br />point 650 feet southerly measured at right angles from <br />Centerline Station 4049+62 of said Toll Road; thence North 0 <br />degrees 07 minutes 36.7 seconds East distant 428.80 feet to~the <br />North line of the Southwest Quarter of said section; thence <br />Easterly along the North line of the Southwest Quarter of said <br />section to the place of beginning. <br />Tract No 2: The South 30 acres of the East 120 acres of the <br />Northwest Quarter of said section <br />Leaving a balance of 82.6 acres. <br />• <br />-18- <br />