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. public accountants, covering the operations of the Authority to the <br />completion of construction, and showing the receipts and <br />disbursements for such period, and the assets and liabilities of <br />the Authority at the expiration of such period. Such financial <br />statements and reports shall be available at all reasonable times <br />for the inspection of any Bondholder or his authorized agent. <br />If the Authority shall fail to obtain and furnish such <br />audit and report, the Trustee may, in its discretion, procure such <br />audit and report, and pay for the same from the Operation and <br />Reserve Fund, unless there are not sufficient funds in said Fund, <br />in which case all moneys paid by the Trustee for such audit and <br />report, together with interest thereon at the highest rate of <br />interest on any of the Bonds when sold, whether or not then <br />outstanding, shall be repaid by the Authority upon demand, and <br />shall constitute an additional indebtedness of the Authority <br />secured by the lien of this Agreement, prior and paramount to the <br />lien hereunder of said Bonds and premium and interest thereon. The <br />Trustee, however, shall not be obligated to obtain such audit and <br />report unless fully indemnified against the expense thereof and <br />furnished with means therefor. <br />(d) On or before the expiration of ninety (90) days <br />after the end of each calendar year, file with the Trustee a <br />certificate signed by its President or Vice President, and its <br />Secretary-Treasurer, stating that all taxes then due on the Project <br />. have been duly paid (unless the Authority shall, in good faith, <br />contest any of said taxes, in which event the facts concerning such <br />contest shall be set forth); .also stating that all insurance <br />premiums required by the terms of the Agreement to be paid by the <br />Authority upon the Project have been duly paid. <br />The Authority further covenants that all books, documents and <br />vouchers relating to the properties, business and affairs of the <br />Authority shall at all times be open to the inspection of such <br />accountants or other agents as the Trustee may from time to time <br />designate. <br />Sec. 5.08. In order to preserve the exclusion of interest <br />on the Bonds from gross income for federal income tax purposes and <br />as an inducement to purchasers of the Bonds, the Authority <br />represents, covenants and agrees that, to the extent necessary: <br />(a) No person or entity or any combination thereof, <br />other than the Authority or a governmental unit (other than the <br />federal government) will use proceeds of the Bonds or property <br />financed by said proceeds other than as a member of the general <br />public. No person or entity or any combination thereof, other than <br />the Authority or a governmental unit (other than the federal <br />government) will own property financed by Bond proceeds or will <br />• -21- <br />