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a Trust Agreement dated as of June 1, 1988 between the Authority and <br />• First Interstate Bank of Northern Indiana, N. A., as Trustee, (the <br />"Trust Agreement"), and authorized the issuance of South Bend <br />Redevelopment Authority Lease Rental Revenue Bonds (Parking Facility <br />Project), and there was established and created in such Trust <br />Agreement a fund designated as the "South Bend Redevelopment <br />Authority Parking Garage Facility Construction Fund" consisting of <br />the Construction. Account and the Bond Interest Account; and <br />WHEREAS, the Commission desires that the Authority or its agent <br />perform additional construction work. and purchase additional <br />equipment necessary for the operation of the St. Joseph/Wayne Parking <br />Facility as provided for in Section 1 of the Lease pursuant to the <br />plans and specification which are attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and <br />WHEREAS, there are sufficient funds in the Construction Account <br />to pay for the .proposed additional construction and purchase of the <br />additional equipment by the Authority and the proposed additional <br />construction does not alter the character of the St. Joseph/Wayne <br />Parking Facility or reduce the value thereof; and <br />WHEREAS, the proposed additional construction and purchase of <br />equipment will not increase the rental payments as provided for in <br />Section 3 of the Lease as amended; and <br />W HEREAS, the Authority desires to approve the proposed plans and <br />specifications for the additional construction and purchase of <br />equipment for the St. Joseph/Wayne Parking Facility as attached <br />hereto as Exhibit "A" and proceed with the additional construction <br />__ <br />