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'[J f' -'\ i..) <br />• -.),-• .. 'I' ·,( <br />1 7077 I <br />I <br />i <br />City of South Bend i •✓·' ' 'J'-'"1 <br />, <br />Petition for Incentives <br />Petition must Include a $250 filing fee payable to the City Clerk 's Office or online •io the City 's website at <br />ht:tp://southbendln.go./go•ernment/content/tax-obatement before processing con be complete <br />General Information Project Name I ProJed Number <br />Leaal name as registered with seaeta~ of <br />'"'°P Steel Warehouse Company LLC <br />Business structure Indian a lim ited liability c ompa n y <br />Company website www .st ee lwareho use .com <br />Proposed Project Information <br />Proposed project address 272 2 W . Tucker Drive <br />Oty, State, Zip Sou th Bend , IN 46 619 <br />Site acreage or acreage required <br />Square feel of f•clllt\' <br />Primary Contad lnfomgtlon <br />Pr lmarycomp•nycontoctn•me Gerald F . Lerma n <br />Address or company coni.ct 272 2 w. T uck er Drive <br />City, Sratt, Zip South Bend , IN 46619 <br />Senior Offldal Information <br />Company sentor official 11ame Gera ld F. Ler man <br />Address or company contact nf d ifferent from <br />City, State, Zip <br />COflsultant Information/Agent <br />Hired buslne!s cons1.1lt.ant/agent name An drew G . He lfr ich . Esq . <br />Address 201 S . Main Street, Suite 400 <br />Oty, St ate, Zip <br />Project Overview <br />Brief desalptlon of your <br />companv, project, and why the <br />property Is necess ary for <br />econom ic growth <br />South B e nd , IN 4660 1 <br />See attached letter. <br />Certlned Tecl1nology Park appropriate N ot a p pl ica ble <br />Parent company name Steel Ware hou se Comp any LLC <br />Lesa I owner A & F Realty LL C <br />Is the real estate ow ned or L eased <br />II leued by whom Ste el Ware ho use Company LLC <br />Titlf V ice Pres iden t, Gene ral Counse l <br />Phone 574-236-5139 <br />Email ge rry l@steelwarehou se .ne t <br />lltle Vice Pres ident, Ge neral Co unsel <br />Phon• <br />Email <br />Consultant release f"f/N) <br />Local ec;o nomlc devetopment p;artners <br />•ooroval (Y/NI <br />Email and rew.h elfri c h@ btl aw .co m <br />{ <br />i---I <br />I ·1J,.., --1 )nrr : <br />I !\ \) I . . u / I : <br />·--.----. ~_,_J 0 A •li.,i ,vi ,;( ,;, -'.~ <br />~ -=::--~ -'J :-:' 3i.~1 <br />Is the proJtct In a Tax Incremental Flnancln1 <br />ln1c, ----"' If en •-•~1ni, Yes , River West Development Area <br />C•rtlfy that the Building Permit hes not been <br />l, • ..,.a IV/NI <br />Yes , no perm it. l~::':..,, ....... ., ... itscrea1e,11,y <br />If this Is a petition for penonal property ta• abatement, has !No <br />t he ~ul oment bel!:n lnstalle-d <br />Investment Details <br />Public lnfrastTucture needs (Off-Has any 504 fund ing been What Is the value of any equipment being purchased fn <br />site of proJKt In doll;us) rece111ed? lndlana for the proJect7 <br />None <br />N/A <br />Wh•t Is th• wlue of any equlpm,nt being <br />purchased from out of stale for the proJect? <br />$3 ,697 ,000 <br />,,s.: <br />i <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />I <br />. ..J