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MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT <br />(PERSONAL PROPER TY TAX ABATEMEN T) <br />OCT 1 9 2022 <br />DA\"1N 1.~ JONE ', <br />CITY ' ; ·:D. IN <br />This Memorandum of Agreement (Agreement) da ted as ----~ 2022 , serves <br />as confirmation of a commitment by Steel Warehouse Company LLC (the "Applicant"), pending <br />an October 24 , 2022 , public hearing, to comply with the project de scription, job creation, and <br />retention (and a ssociated wage rates and salaries) figures contained in it s petition, Statement of <br />Benefits, and attachments and this Agreement (Commitments). <br />l. C omm itm ents of C it y and A ppl icant. Subject to the adoption of a Declaratory Resolution <br />and a Confirmatory Resolution by the South Bend Comm on Council (the "SBCC "), the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana (the "City") commits to provide a five (5) year personal property tax <br />abatement for the Applicant, based on the Applicant 's commitment set forth in its Application. <br />The Applicant commits to a capital expenditure of $3 ,69 7,00 0 associated w ith the purchase ofnew <br />industrial cold reducing mill equipment for Steel Warehouse Company LLC located at 2722 W . <br />Tucker Driv e, South Bend, IN 46619. This p ersonal property project will result in the creation of <br />at least ten (10) permanent full-time jobs wi th a total estimated annual payroll of at least $367,756 . <br />2 . A ppli ca nt 's Co mpli a nce w it h C ity and Sta te Laws . During the term of the abatement, the <br />Applicant shall comply with Chapter 2 , Article 6 of the South Bend Muni cipal Code entitled "Tax <br />Abatement Procedures" and all governing provisions of the Indiana Code. During the term of this <br />abatement, the City may annually request information from the Applicant concerning the nature <br />of the Project, the approved capital expenditure of the Project, the number of full-time permanent <br />positions newly created b y the Project, and the averag e wage rates and salaries (excluding benefits <br />& overtime) associated w ith the positions, and the Applicant shall provide the City w ith adequate <br />written evidence thereof within 15 days of such request (the "Annual Survey"). The City shall <br />utilize thi s information and the informatio n required to be filed by the Applicant in the CF-1 <br />Compliance with the Statement of Benefits form to verify that the Applicant has complied with <br />the commitments contained in the Commitments at all times after the Commitment Date and <br />during the duration of the abatement. The Applicant further agrees to provide the City with such <br />additional information requested by the City related to the information provided in the Annual <br />Survey and the CF-1 form within a rea sonable time following any such additional request. <br />3. Substan ti a l C omp li ance and Ri ghts of Termina ti on . The City , by and through the SBCC, <br />reserves the right to terminate the Economic Revitalizati on Area designation and associated <br />property tax abatement deductions if it determines that the Applicant has not made reasonable <br />efforts to substantially comply with all the Commitments, and the Applicant's failure to <br />substantially comply with the Commitments w as not due to factors beyond its reasonable control. <br />As used in this Agreement, "substantial compliance" shall mean the Appli cant's compliance with <br />the following : (a) making personal property expenditures of no less than Three Million Six <br />Hundred Ninety Seven Thousand dollars ($3 ,697 ,000) for new industrial cold reducing mill <br />equipment; (b) this personal property project will create at least ten (I 0) permanent full-time jobs <br />with a total estimated annual payroll of $367,7 56 .