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Page 1 <br />(Exhibit G - Insurance) <br />EJCDC E-500 Agr eement Between Owner and Engineer for Pr ofessional Ser vices. <br />Copyright © 2008 National Society of Pr ofessional Engineer s for EJCDC. All r ights r eser ved. <br />This is EXHIBIT G, consisting of pages, referred to <br />in and part of the Agreement between Owner and <br />Engineer for Professional Services dated , . <br />Insurance <br />Paragraph 6.04 of the Agreement is supplemented to include the following agreement of the parties. <br />G6.04 Insurance <br />A.The limits of liability for the insurance required by Paragraph 6.04.A and 6.04.B of the Agreement <br />are as follows: <br />1.By Engineer: <br />a.Workers’ Compensation:Statutory <br />b.Employer’s Liability -- <br />1)Each Accident:$1,000,000 <br />2)Disease, Policy Limit:$1,000,000 <br />3)Disease, Each Employee:$1,000,000 <br />c.General Liability -- <br />1)Each Occurrence (Bodily Injury and Property Damage):$1,000,000 <br />2)General Aggregate:$3,000,000 <br />d.Excess or Umbrella Liability -- <br />1)Each Occurrence:$5,000,000 <br />2)General Aggregate:$5,000,000 <br />e.Automobile Liability --Combined Single Limit (Bodily Injury and Property Damage): <br />Each Accident $1,000,000 <br />f.Professional Liability – <br />1)Each Claim Made $3,000,000 <br />2)Annual Aggregate $3,000,000 <br />g.Other (specify):$________________