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Sec. 17-135. Application procedure. <br /> (a) A Customer seeking assistance from the City's LIC UAP must complete an application and <br /> return the application, along with any requested supporting documentation, to the City. of <br /> South-Bend: <br /> (b) Eligible Customers will receive the LIC UAP Credit for a period of twelve (12)months. <br /> (c) In order to re-enroll in LIC UAP, the Customer must annually complete either an attestation <br /> that their address, household income, and number of household members have not changed <br /> or a new application in the event that an applicant's address, household income, or number <br /> of household members have changed. <br /> ( Ord. No. 10797-21 , § V, 8-9-21) <br /> Sec. 17-136. Rules and Regulations and Termination of Program. <br /> The City shall promulgate such rules, regulations, written policy, forms and other <br /> documentation as deemed necessary to effectuate the LIC UAP. The City reserves the right to <br /> discontinue the LIC UAP upon a determination that the costs of the Program have become <br /> prohibitive or the City otherwise determines that it is in the best interest of the City to <br /> discontinue the LIC UAP. <br /> (Ord. No. 10688-19 , § I, 10-28-19; Ord. No. 10797-21 , § V, 8-9-21)Editor's note(s)—Ord. No <br /> 10797-21, § V, adopted Aug. 9, 2021, repealed the former § 17-136 and renumbered § 17- <br /> 137 as § 17-136. The former § 17-136 pertained to review of denial of eligibility and <br /> derived from Ord. No. 10688-19 , § I, adopted Oct. 28, 2019. <br /> Secs. 17-137-17-139 Reserved. <br /> SECTION II . Chapter 17, Division 4, Section 17-24 of the Municipal Code of the City <br /> of South Bend, Indiana shall be amended to read in its entirety as follows: <br /> DIVISION 4. SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES <br /> Sec. 17-24.- Preparation and collection of charges. <br /> (a) Such rates and charges shall be prepared, billed and collected by the City in the manner <br /> provided by law and ordinance. <br /> • <br /> (b) The rates and charges for all users shall be prepared and billed monthly. Annually, each <br /> user shall be notified of the portion of the total billing charged for operation, maintenance and <br /> replacement for that user during the preceding year. <br /> (c) The rates and charges may be billed to the tenant or tenants occupying the properties <br /> served, unless otherwise requested in writing by the owner, but such billing shall in no way <br /> relieve the owner from the liability in the event payment is not made as herein required. The <br /> owners of properties served, which are occupied by a tenant or tenants, shall have the right to <br /> examine the collection records of the City for the purpose of determining whether bills have <br /> been paid by such tenant or tenants, provided that such examination shall be made at the office <br /> at which such records are kept and during the hours that such office is open for business. <br /> (d) As is provided by statute, all rates and charges not paid within five (5) days of the due date <br /> as stated in such bill are hereby declared to be delinquent and a penalty of ten (10) percent of <br /> the amount of the rates and charges shall thereupon attach thereto. Customers enrolled in the <br /> Utility Assistance Program will not be assessed a penalty for any charges that are not paid on <br /> time, and late payment penalties may be waived for customers enrolled in certain deferred <br /> payment plans. <br /> (Ord. No. 7942-88, § 1) <br /> SECTION III . Chapter 17, Article 4, Section 17-46 of the Municipal Code of the City of <br /> South Bend, Indiana shall be amended to read in its entirety as follows: <br /> 5 <br />