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d.This MOU only provides permission related to this specific mural design, dimensions, <br />and color, any new mural, or modifications to the existing mural, will need prior <br />written approval from the City. <br />Term, Termination and Restoration. This Agreement and the License granted to Licensee <br />hereunder shall commence as of the Effective Date and shall continue until such time as <br />either party provides the other with a written Notice of Termination of this Agreement. If <br />the City provides the Licensee with written Notice of Termination, the Licensee agrees to <br />promptly restore the City property to the same or better condition that existed prior to the <br />installation of the encroachment QRUPDO ZHDU DQG WHDU H[FHSWHG. <br />No Interest in City Property. Licensee understands, acknowledges and agrees that this <br />Agreement does not create an interest or estate in Licensee's favor in the City Property. <br />The City retains legal possession of the full boundaries of its Property and this Agreement <br />merely grants to Licensee the personal privilege to use the Encroachment Area described <br />above throughout the term of this Agreement. <br />No Vested Right. Notwithstanding any expenditure of money, time and/or labor by <br />Licensee on or within the Encroachment Area, this Agreement shall in no event be <br />construed to create an assignment coupled with an interest or any vested rights in favor of <br />Licensee. Licensee shall expend any time, money or labor on or in the Encroachment Area at <br />Licensee's own risk and peril. <br />Limited Scope of License. The License granted to Licensee is limited in scope to the <br />installation of the mural, as depicted and described on Exhibit A. Licensee shall not have <br />the right to expand the Encroachment Area or alter or change Licensee's use of the <br />Encroachment Area without the City's prior written consent. <br />Non-Transferability of License. The License granted to Licensee by this Agreement is a <br />mere personal privilege granted by the City to Licensee and is neither transferable nor <br />assignable by Licensee without the City's prior written consent. <br />Compliance with Law. Licensee shall adhere to and comply with all ordinances, laws, rules <br />and regulations that may pertain to or apply to the Encroachment Area and the Licensee's <br />use thereof. Licensee agrees and warrants that it has procured or shall procure any licenses, <br />permits or like permission required by law, if any, to conduct or engage in the use of the <br />Encroachment Area described herein, that Licensee will procure all additional licenses, <br />permits or like permission hereinafter required by law during the term of this Agreement, <br />and that Licensee will keep the same in full force and effect during the term of this <br />Agreement. Licensee shall perform under this Agreement in accordance with all applicable <br />legal requirements. <br />Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Licensee agrees to indemnify, <br />defend and save the City, its officers, agents, servants, employees, boards and commissions <br />harmless from and against: <br />DDamage to Licensee's Property. Any and all claims, loss or damage (including