Version 6-8-2017
<br />4
<br />iii.Work Specific Standards. The CONSULTANT and its SUB-CONSULTANTS, if
<br />any, have obtained, will obtain and/or will maintain all required permits, licenses,
<br />registrations and approvals, as well as comply with all health, safety, and environmental
<br />statutes, rules, or regulations in the performance of work activities for the LPA.
<br />iv.Secretary of State Registration. If the CONSULTANT is an entity described in IC Title
<br />23, it is properly registered and owes no outstanding reports with the Indiana Secretary of
<br />State.
<br />v.Debarment and Suspension of CONSULTANT. Neither the CONSULTANT nor its
<br />principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible,
<br />or voluntarily excluded from entering into this Contract by any federal agency or by any
<br />department, agency or political subdivision of the State and will immediately notify the
<br />LPA of any such actions. The term “principal” for purposes of this Contract means an
<br />officer, director, owner, partner, key employee, or other person with primary
<br />management or supervisory responsibilities, or a person who has a critical influence on or
<br />substantive control over the operations of the CONSULTANT or who has managerial or
<br />supervisory responsibilities for the Services.
<br />vi.Debarment and Suspension of any SUB-CONSULTANTS. The CONSULTANT’s SUB-
<br />CONSULTANTS are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment,
<br />declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from entering into this Contract by any
<br />federal agency or by any department, agency or political subdivision of the State. The
<br />CONSULTANT shall be solely responsible for any recoupment, penalties or costs that
<br />might arise from the use of a suspended or debarred SUBCONSULTANT. The
<br />CONSULTANT shall immediately notify the LPA and INDOT if any SUB-
<br />CONSULTANT becomes debarred or suspended, and shall, at the LPA’s request, take all
<br />steps required by the LPA to terminate its contractual relationship with the SUB-
<br />CONSULTANT for work to be performed under this Contract.
<br />C.Violations. In addition to any other remedies at law or in equity, upon CONSULTANT’S
<br />violation of any of Section 7(A) through 7(B), the LPA may, at its sole discretion, do any one or
<br />more of the following:
<br />i. terminate this Contract; or
<br />ii.delay, withhold, or deny work under any supplement or amendment, change order or
<br />other contractual device issued pursuant to this Contract.
<br />D.Disputes. If a dispute exists as to the CONSULTANT’s liability or guilt in any action initiated
<br />by the LPA, and the LPA decides to delay, withhold, or deny work to the CONSULTANT, the
<br />CONSULTANT may request that it be allowed to continue, or receive work, without delay.
<br />The CONSULTANT must submit, in writing, a request for review to the LPA. A determination
<br />by the LPA under this Section 7.D shall be final and binding on the parties and not subject to
<br />administrative review. Any payments the LPA may delay, withhold, deny, or apply under this
<br />section shall not be subject to penalty or interest under IC 5-17-5.
<br />8.Condition of Payment. The CONSULTANT must perform all Services under this Contract to the
<br />LPA’s reasonable satisfaction, as determined at the discretion of the LPA and in accordance with all
<br />applicable federal, state, local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The LPA will not pay for
<br />work not performed to the LPA’s reasonable satisfaction, inconsistent with this Contract or performed
<br />in violation of federal, state, or local law (collectively, “deficiencies”) until all deficiencies are
<br />remedied in a timely manner.