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term(s) for such initial or renewal appointments(s) begin, except as provided by section 2- <br /> 10 regarding citizen appointments to standing committees of the Common Council. <br /> Sec. 2-3. Organization meeting of the Common Council; officers; election; terms. <br /> (a) The members of the Common Council shall hold their first regular meeting on the first <br /> Monday of January after their election at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. This meeting <br /> shall take place at 5:00 p.m. on the first Monday of each succeeding January thereafter. <br /> (b) At each first regular meeting, the Council shall choose from members a presiding officer or <br /> president, a presiding officer pro tempore or vice-president, the Chairperson of the <br /> Committee of the whole, and all other Council officers who shall serve until 7:00 p.m. of <br /> the first Monday in January of the next succeeding year. The Council shall also choose its <br /> Council Attorney at said meeting if the Council chooses to appoint a Council Attorney <br /> pursuant to Sec. 2-7.2(a) of this Article. <br /> Sec. 2-3.1. Mayor's Annual Address to Council. <br /> (a) The Mayor shall annually address the Common Council at the first regularly scheduled <br /> Council meeting each February. <br /> (b) The Mayor shall provide a statement of finances and a general condition of the City in his or <br /> her annual address. <br /> (c) If the Council meeting location needs to be moved from the Council Chambers for the <br /> Mayor's annual address in any calendar year, an announcement shall be made by the <br /> Council President at the first or second regularly scheduled Common Council meeting in <br /> December of the prior year under the "Special Business" portion of that meeting announcing <br /> the exact location for that meeting. <br /> Sec. 2-4. Regular meetings of Common Council; calling of Council to order; Council <br /> informal meetings. <br /> (a) The regular meetings of the Common Council shall be held at the Council Chambers on the <br /> second and fourth Monday evenings of each month at the hour of 7:00 p.m. If any regular <br /> meeting date falls on a holiday established by Federal, State or City law, or if a serious <br /> conflict for the Council arises as to a meeting date, the Council, at its election at the last <br /> preceding regular meeting, may meet on the regular meeting date or the next succeeding <br /> night. The regular meeting may be rescheduled for any date or time by majority vote of the <br /> Council. At the hour named, the President shall call the Common Council to order, and if <br /> the President is absent, the Vice-President shall act in the President's stead. If the latter is <br /> absent, any member of the Common Council may, upon motion, passed by a majority of <br /> Council Members present, be called to the Chair, and act as presiding officer only until the <br /> arrival of one entitled to preside. <br /> (b) The President of the Council shall schedule Council informal meetings as necessary, giving <br /> all Council Members reasonable notice in writing or by other appropriate means. Such <br /> informal meetings shall be open to both the press and public as are all regular and special <br /> meetings of the Council. The President shall call the Common Council to order at the <br /> prescribed time, or in the President's absence, the Vice-President shall act in the President's <br />