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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br /> THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, as follows: <br /> SECTION I. Chapter 2, Article 1, Sections 2-1 through and including 2-9 of the South Bend <br /> Municipal Code shall be amended to read in their entirety as follows: <br /> Sec. 2-1. Common Council: Composition; Council Members; eligibility; term; <br /> compensation; vacancy. <br /> (a) The legislative power and authority of the City shall be vested in the Common Council. <br /> Unless otherwise provided by law, all powers and duties of the City which are legislative in <br /> nature shall be exercised and performed by the Common Council. <br /> (b) The Council shall consist of nine(9)members termed Council Members; six (6) District <br /> Council Members elected from districts more particularly described in section 1-4 of this <br /> Code, and three (3) Council Members-at-Large elected at large from the entire City. <br /> (c) To be eligible to run for the office of Council Member all persons shall be a bona fide <br /> citizen of the United States and the State of Indiana and shall have attained the age of <br /> eighteen (18) years when elected. Additionally, all persons shall have been a resident of the <br /> City for at least one year immediately preceding election; and for all persons to be eligible <br /> to run for the office of District Council Member shall have resided in such district for the <br /> last six (6)months preceding the general election. Should any Council Member representing <br /> any district cease to be a resident of such district during his or her term of office, such office <br /> shall thereby become immediately vacant. <br /> (d) The election of Council Members shall be in accordance with all laws governing primary <br /> and general elections. The term of office of each Council Member shall commence on the <br /> first day of January after his or her election and shall continue for four(4) years thereafter. <br /> The Council Member's oath of office shall be administered by a duly qualified person to <br /> each Council Member, and such shall be signed and filed with the Office of the City Clerk <br /> on or before said date. The salary of each Council Member shall be a specified amount as <br /> set forth in the annual civil City budget. <br /> (e) In the case of a vacancy in the office of Council Member from death, resignation or other <br /> cause, such vacancy shall be filled pursuant to the procedure set forth in IC 3-13-8-1, 3-13- <br /> 8-7 and/or 3-13-11-1 et seq. However, if the vacancy is of a District Council Member, the <br /> person selected to fill such vacancy must be a resident of the district from which the vacated <br /> Council Member was elected. All persons filling a vacated Council Member's office shall <br /> hold office only during the unexpired term and shall, during such incumbency, be entitled to <br /> the salary thereto attached. <br /> Sec. 2-2. Adoption of rules and regulations by the Common Council and powers thereto. <br /> (a) The rules and regulations prescribed in this article are hereby adopted for the government of <br /> the Common Council of the City and its Members. <br />