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(dd) Any bill failing to receive a sufficient number of votes on final passage will be considered <br /> as lost and stricken from the files, provided the vote is not reconsidered, as authorized by <br /> subsection(s) of this section. <br /> (ee) All votes upon the passage of bills and resolutions, and upon motions to suspend the rules <br /> or motions to reconsider shall be by roll call. <br /> (ft) When a resolution is introduced, it shall be read by title only, after which, if there is no <br /> objection, it shall stand ready for adoption following its public hearing. If there is objection, <br /> it shall be in order for any member to make a proper motion for disposition of the <br /> resolution. <br /> (gg) No proposition to rescind or change any standing rule or order of the Common Council shall <br /> be passed at the same meeting it is submitted; nor shall any proposition having the force and <br /> effect of a bylaw or a standing rule or other relating to the government of the Council or the <br /> duties of any of the City officers by passed except in the form of an ordinance and <br /> according to the forms prescribed for the passage of ordinances. <br /> (hh) Effective date: The effective date of all bills shall be prescribed therein; however, no bill <br /> prescribing a penalty or forfeiture for a violation shall become effective before publication <br /> in the manner prescribed by IC 36-4-6-14(b) or(c). <br /> (ii) Severability: Unless a bill shall expressly provide to the contrary, if any portion of a bill or <br /> the application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be found to be invalid by a <br /> court of competent jurisdiction such invalidity shall not affect the remaining portion or <br /> application,provided such remaining portions or applications are not determined by the <br /> court to be inoperative and to this end bills are declared to be severable. <br /> (jj) The presiding officer may, upon a member of the public being recognized to address the <br /> Council, limit him or her to no more than five (5) minutes, unless a majority of the Council <br /> Members present vote to extend such period. <br /> (kk) Each member of the public who wishes to be recognized by the presiding officer in order to <br /> speak during a public hearing, must give his or her name and address for the record. <br /> (11) No member of the public may speak twice on the same issue unless a majority of the <br /> Council Members present vote to allow such a second presentation. A three-minute limit <br /> shall apply to such a second presentation. <br /> SECTION II. This Ordinance shall take effect upon passage by this Common Council, approval <br /> by the Mayor, and any publication required by law. <br /> PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana <br /> this day of , 2022. <br /> Sharon McBride,President Common Council <br /> of the City of South Bend <br />