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Sharon McBride,President Common Council <br /> of the City of South Bend <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Dawn M. Jones, Clerk <br /> Presented by me, the undersigned Clerk of the City of South Bend, to the Mayor of the <br /> City for his approval on the day of , 2022, at o'clock <br /> . m. <br /> Dawn M. Jones, Clerk <br /> Having examined the foregoing Ordinance, I do now, as the Mayor of the City of South Bend, <br /> approve said Ordinance and return the same to the Clerk of the City of South Bend this <br /> day of , 2022. <br /> James Mueller, Mayor <br /> (w) Every bill filed for ordinance consideration shall be read a total of three (3) times by title by <br /> the Clerk. If a bill's title was amended in the Committee of the Whole, the amended title <br /> shall be read by the Clerk at third reading. No bill shall be read the third time at the same <br /> meeting it is introduced unless by unanimous roll call vote of all Council Members present. <br /> Additionally, there must be at least two-thirds (2/3) of the entire Council present to carry <br /> such a motion. <br /> The City Clerk shall read by title only all bills filed for first reading. At that time, the <br /> Council may send the bill to a proper Council Committee for review and recommendation, if <br /> appropriate, and set a date for second reading, public hearing and third reading. At the time of <br /> public hearing before the Committee of the Whole of the Council, on said bill, the Clerk shall • <br /> read the bill by number and title only. When amendments to bills are approved by the Council <br /> which amend the title of said bill, the Clerk shall read the amended title on second and/or third <br />