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(h) The presiding officer shall decide whether any question is carried by affirmative or a <br /> negative vote; but if the presiding officer is in doubt, and the "ayes" and "nays" or a division <br /> be called for, the presiding officer shall call for a roll call vote. <br /> (i) When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received, but to adjourn, for the <br /> previous question(which motion shall be decided without debate), to lay on the table, to <br /> postpone to a day certain, to refer, to amend, or to postpone indefinitely, which several <br /> motions shall have preference in the order in which they are here arranged. <br /> (j) The motion to adjourn and the motion to fix a time to which the Council shall adjourn shall <br /> always be in order, the latter motion taking precedence over the former. <br /> (k) The motion to lay an amendment on the table shall not affect the subject which it is <br /> proposed to amend. <br /> (1) A "call for question" motion shall be proper after each member present has had the <br /> opportunity to address the specific issue under debate. Said motion shall not require a <br /> second and upon such a motion all debate shall cease. The presiding officer shall then repeat <br /> the"call for question"motion pending before the Council and ask for a voice vote on said <br /> issue. <br /> (m) The motion to postpone to a date certain can be amended by altering the time. <br /> (n) The motion to commit may be amended by altering the committee or by giving instructions. <br /> (o) A motion to amend and a motion to amend that amendment shall be in order, and it shall <br /> also be in order to offer a further amendment by way of substitute, to which one (1) <br /> amendment may be offered, but neither may be withdrawn before amendment or decision is <br /> had thereon. <br /> (p) No motion or proposition postponed indefinitely shall be taken up again at the same or next <br /> succeeding meeting. <br /> (q) A question shall be divided on the demand of any member if it includes two (2) or more <br /> distinct propositions. <br /> (r) A motion to strike out and insert shall be indivisible,but a motion to strike out being lost <br /> shall neither preclude amendment, nor motion to strike out and insert, and no motion or <br /> proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be submitted under <br /> color of amendment. <br /> (s) Motion to reconsider: When a motion has been made and carried or lost, it shall be in order <br /> for any member of the majority at the same or the next regular meeting, to move for the <br /> reconsideration thereof. Such a motion upon being made may be seconded by any Council <br /> Member and may be made at any time. It shall be debatable and requires a majority vote to <br /> prevail. No such motion shall be introduced at a subsequent meeting unless the member <br /> intending to make the same shall have given written notice of such intention at the meeting <br /> at which the vote which he or she desires to have reconsidered was taken. <br /> (t) When a resolution is offered or a report or other matter presented, the presiding officer may <br /> take the reception thereof for granted, unless objection be made, when a formal motion shall <br /> be required. <br />