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Committee meeting is in progress. Council Members and citizen members of any Standing <br /> Committee may not send, view or listen to any electronic message communications while a <br /> Council or citizen member is part of the quorum for such meeting or while such meeting is <br /> in progress. Any electronic device which is used through City-controlled access and which <br /> is needed during the Common Council or any Standing Committee is permitted for the <br /> purpose of accessing city information, city presentations, and to record minutes and notes. <br /> (q) As used in this Article, "electronic device" means a wireless and/or portable electronic <br /> handheld piece of equipment that includes, but is not limited to, existing and emerging <br /> mobile communication systems and smart technologies (cell phones, smart phones walkie- <br /> talkies, pagers, etc.) portable internet devices (mobile managers,mobile messengers, <br /> BlackBerry T handset, etc.) Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), (Palm organizers, pocket <br /> PCs, etc.) and any other convergent communication technologies that do any number of the <br /> previously mentioned functions. "Electronic device" also includes any current or emerging <br /> wireless handheld technologies or portable information technology systems that can be used <br /> for word processing, wireless internet access and information transmitting/receiving, etc. <br /> Tape recorders, cameras, and hearing aids3 shall be excluded from the definition of <br /> "electronic devices" as used in this Article. Emergency communication devices used by <br /> sworn police officers and medical first responders who are in attendance of a Common <br /> Council or Standing Committee meeting shall be in excluded from the provisions of this <br /> Article. <br /> 3 Hearing aids are defined by the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication <br /> Disorders (NIDCD) as a "small electronic device that you wear in or behind an ear which is <br /> designed to make some sounds louder so that a person with hearing loss can listen, communicate <br /> and participate more fully in daily activities." <br />