<br />
<br />EJCDC® E-500, Agreement Between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services.
<br />Copyright © 2014 National Society of Professional Engineers, American Council of Engineering Companies,
<br /> and American Society of Civil Engineers. All rights reserved. Page
<br />14
<br />with the Project; or the cost of other services to be provided by others to Owner.
<br />Construction Cost is one of the items comprising Total Project Costs.
<br />14. Constructor—Any person or entity (not including the Engineer, its employees, agents,
<br />representatives, and Consultants), performing or supporting construction activities
<br />relating to the Project, including but not limited to Contractors, Subcontractors,
<br />Suppliers, Owner’s work forces, utility companies, other contractors, construction
<br />managers, testing firms, shippers, and truckers, and the employees, agents, and
<br />representatives of any or all of them.
<br />15. Consultants—Individuals or entities having a contract with Engineer to furnish services
<br />with respect to this Project as Engineer’s independent professional associates and
<br />consultants; subcontractors; or vendors.
<br />16. Contractor—The entity or individual with which Owner enters into a Construction
<br />Contract.
<br />17. Documents—Data, reports, Drawings, Specifications, Record Drawings, building
<br />information models, civil integrated management models, and other deliverables,
<br />whether in printed or electronic format, provided or furnished in appropriate phases by
<br />Engineer to Owner pursuant to this Agreement.
<br />18. Drawings—That part of the Construction Contract Documents that graphically shows the
<br />scope, extent, and character of the Work to be performed by Contractor.
<br />19. Effective Date—The date indicated in this Agreement on which it becomes effective, but
<br />if no such date is indicated, the date on which this Agreement is signed and delivered by
<br />the last of the parties to sign and deliver.
<br />20. Engineer—The individual or entity named as such in this Agreement.
<br />21. Field Order—A written order issued by Engineer which requires minor changes in the
<br />Work but does not change the Construction Contract Price or the Construction Contract
<br />Times.
<br />22. Laws and Regulations; Laws or Regulations—Any and all applicable laws, statutes, rules,
<br />regulations, ordinances, codes, and orders of any and all governmental bodies, agencies,
<br />authorities, and courts having jurisdiction.
<br />23. Owner—The individual or entity named as such in this Agreement and for which
<br />Engineer's services are to be performed. Unless indicated otherwise, this is the same
<br />individual or entity that will enter into any Construction Contracts concerning the
<br />Project.
<br />24. Project—The total undertaking to be accomplished for Owner by engineers, contractors,
<br />and others, including planning, study, design, construction, testing, commissioning, and
<br />start-up, and of which the services to be performed or furnished by Engineer under this
<br />Agreement are a part.