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<br /> <br /> Page 5 <br />may be determined by the bid or may be set by the Board of Public Works as set out <br />above. <br />(4) Special Collection, such as the pick-up of appliances, furniture and other miscellaneous <br />items: Appliances, furniture and other miscellaneous items which, in the opinion of the <br />Director manager of the Division of Solid Waste Bureau of Solid Waste, require special <br />equipment or special scheduling, shall be picked up by the City from residential <br />customers subject to the following charges: <br />(1) Each month, the first large item or cubic yard (for example, appliance, sofa, etc.) <br />shall be free. Each additional item or cubic yard shall follow the rate structure set <br />forth in Sec. 16-6(c)(1). .....No Charge <br />(2) Second large item or ½ cubic yard of construction and demolition debris .....$ 10.00 <br />(3) Per cubic yard .....20.00 <br />(4) Per truck load (18 cubic yards) .....420.00 <br />The Director of the Division of Solid Waste Manager of the Bureau of Solid Waste <br />shall, upon request, provide the customer with an estimated removal cost. In such a case, <br />the items will be removed by the Division Bureau only after acceptance by the customer <br />of the estimated removal costs. <br />(d) If the City elects to charge a fee for the collection of recyclables, the City may do so in a <br />manner set forth in Sec. 16(c)(1). The City shall charge the owner or occupant of each <br />occupied single-family residence and individual unit within a multifamily residence of up to <br />four (4) units the sum of one dollar and ninety-seven cents ($1.97) per month for the collection <br />of recyclables. <br />(e) Charges for City collection of residential refuse and recyclables shall be added to the <br />residential unit's water meter charges and collected as are bills for water services. <br />(d) (f) It is the responsibility of the owners, occupants or tenants of abutting property to keep all <br />alleys used by any sanitation vehicles clean, orderly and passable at all times. <br />Sec. 16-7. - Collection of refuse; commercial and industrial. <br />(a) The collection of refuse and a proper system for disposal of the same may be undertaken by <br />any person, organization or corporation for all commercial, retail, industrial, professional, <br />apartment, institutional or governmental units subject to the provisions of this Chapter and <br />under the supervision of the Department of Public Works. The term "apartment units" as used <br />in this section refers to multi-building apartment complexes and to individual apartment <br />buildings with more than four (4) separate apartments or living units per building. <br />(b) It is the responsibility of every owner, tenant or lessee to provide a proper system for collection <br />and disposal of refuse for all commercial, retail, industrial, professional, apartment, <br />institutional, or governmental units at least once a week subject to the provisions of this <br />Chapter. <br />(c) The collection of commercial or industrial waste, refuse, trash and garbage of any kind, type <br />or nature shall not be the responsibility of the City, but if the City elects to may engage in <br />such collection activities, the fee shall be set by the Board of Public Works.