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13 16 C OUN TY -C ITY B U I LD IN G <br />227 W. J EFFERSO N B OUL EVA RD <br />SOUTH B EN D, I N DI ANA 46601-1830 <br />CITY OF SOUTH B END JAME S M UE LL ER, MAYOR <br />Mr. Robert Nichols <br />Five Corners , LLC <br />814 Marietta St. <br />South Bend, rN 4660 I <br />rn ic hol s@ a bonma rch e .com <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />April 12 , 2022 <br />HONE J - <br />Ax Fil fiM' ins 0 1er k's Office <br />MAY ~ 5 2022 <br />DAW N M. JONES <br />ClrY CLER K, SOUTH BEND, IN <br />RE : Alley /Street Vacation -Alley E. Side of South Bend Ave. between Corby Blvd. & Campeau St. <br />(Preliminary Review) <br />Dear Mr. Nichol s: <br />At its April 12 , 2022 meetin g, the Board of Public Works reviewed comments by the Engineering <br />Division , Community Investment, Fire Department , Police Department. The following comments and <br />recommendations were submitted: <br />Per IC 36-7-3-13 , the vacation would not hinder the growth or orderly development of the <br />unit or nei ghborhood in which it is located or to which it is contiguous . The vacation would <br />not make access to the lands of the aggrieved person by mean s of public way difficult or <br />inconvenient. The vacation would not hinder the public 's acces s to a church , school or <br />other public building or place . The vacation would not hinder the use of a public right-of- <br />way by the neighborhood in which it is located or to which it is conti guous. <br />Therefore , the Board of Public Work s submitted a favorable recommendation for the vacation <br />of this alley subject to any additional space needed to allow for turning movements at the "L" alley <br />intersection be located on the petitioners property so as not to burden the adjacent residential <br />property owner. The petitioner should consult with City Engineering to determine if/ how much <br />additional space is needed for turning movements. If you still wi sh to pur sue this alley vacation , please <br />bring BPW Recommendation Packet to the City Clerk 's Office , located on the fourth floor of the <br />County-City Building . Alley /Street vacation s require a presentation to the Common Council , approval of <br />an ordinance , and certification of the ordinan ce from the Ma yor . The property then must be recorded with <br />the Recorder 's Office to ensure th at your 50 % ownership of th e property is appropriately tran sferred to <br />your name . lf you have any question s about how the alley vacation will affect your property taxes , please <br />contact the Auditor 's Office. <br />If you have any further questions , plea se call this office at (574) 235-9251. <br />Enclo s ure s <br />TH/lh <br />Sincerel y, <br />Isl Th eres a H e ffn er <br />Th e re sa Heffner , Clerk <br />ELI ZAB ET H A . M ARA DI K J OSE PH R. M OLNA R G ARY A . G I LOT J ORD AN V . G ATH ERS M URRA Y L . MILLER