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FileZSOU <br />Office <br />BILL NO. 19-22 <br />ORDINANCE NO. 22 <br />ES <br />CITY CLBEND, IN <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY O <br />INDIANA,AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED NW <br />CORNER PF CPRBY BLVD AND HICKORY RD, COUNCILMANIC DISTRICT NO.4 <br />IN THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />Request to rezone the property from NC Neighborhood Center district to S2 Suburban <br />Neighborhood district to allow for a Residential Care Facility. <br />Petitioners desire to rezone the property from NC Neighborhood Center to S2 Suburban <br />Neighborhood 2. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, as follows: <br />SECTION I. Ordinance No. 10689-19, which ordinance is commonly known as the <br />Zoning Ordinance of the City of South Bend, Indiana, be and the same hereby amended in order <br />that the zoning classification of the following described real estate in the City of South Bend, St. <br />Joseph County, State of Indiana: <br />A PART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP' 38 NORTH, RANGE 3 <br />EAST,CITY OF SOUTH BEND,PORTAGE TOWNSHIP,ST.JOSEPH COUNTY,INDIANA BEING <br />LOT NUMBERED THREE(3)AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF"CAMDON PARK ON <br />HICKORY SECOND MINOR SUBDIVISION" AS SHOWN BY DOCUMENT NUMBER 0244655 <br />IN THE RECORDS OF THE ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIANA RECORDER'S OFFICE. <br />CONTAINING 3.78 ACRES MORE OR LESS. <br />SUBJECT TO ALL LEGAL RIGHT-OF-WAYS, EASEMENTS,AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD„ <br />be and the same is hereby established as S2 Suburban Neighborhood 2 <br />SECTION II. This ordinance is and shall be subject to commitments as provided by <br />Chapter 21-12.07(f)(7) Commitments, if applicable. <br />SECTION III. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage <br />by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor, and legal publication, and full execution of <br />any conditions or Commitments placed upon the approval.