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Mr. Slavinskas asked who would comprise the Consolidated Building <br /> Board. Ms. Mueller responded that the Mayor of the City of South <br /> Bend, the President of the County Council, the City Controller, and <br /> the County Auditor would comprise the Board. Mr. Niezgodski asked <br /> why two elected officials were representing the County while one <br /> elected official was representing the City. He asked why the City' s <br /> second representative was the Controller and not an elected official <br /> such as a Council Member. Ms. Mueller suggested that she was not <br /> present when that decision was made but assumed that since the City <br /> Controller was the City equivalent of the County Auditor that is why <br /> the Controller was designated. Mr. Slavinskas questioned the ability <br /> of the Board members to appoint designees. <br /> Councilman Ladewski asked about the proposed cost savings, in <br /> light of the concerns raised by the County Auditor. Mr. Fozo <br /> responded that there was no real dispute. Ms. Mueller noted that the <br /> start up costs would eat into the County budget in the first year in <br /> a way that would not occur in succeeding years. Kathy Dempsey, of <br /> the City's Department of Code Enforcement, presented financial <br /> objections to the Committee for its consideration. <br /> Councilman Soderberg pointed out that neither department pays for <br /> itself. Mr. Niezgodski raised the concerns previously raised by the <br /> County officials that this might be a step towards Unigov. Mr. Fozo <br /> responded that it was not proposed as such. He further noted that <br /> the similar functions undertaken by the separate building departments <br /> made it a natural arena to consolidate and attempt to save costs. <br /> Ms. Mueller pointed out that the consolidation contract was in <br /> effect for one year with an automatic renewal clause and an opt out <br /> provision. Mr. Fozo pointed out that Allen County, Indiana, operates <br /> a county wide building department with a great deal of success. Ms. <br /> Mueller pointed out that the City' s financial contribution for 1992 <br /> is a dollar for dollar match of the County's contribution. <br /> Motion to send the bill to the Council with a favorable <br /> recommendation made by Council Person Slavinskas, seconded by Council <br /> Person Duda, and approved unanimously. <br /> The meeting of the Human Resources and Economic Development <br /> Committee adjourned at approximately 5:45 p.m. <br />