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I <br /> Personnel and Finance Committee August 21, 1990 2 <br /> response to questions raised by the Council Attorney, Chief Marciniak noted that <br /> savings are being realized by the quarter (1/4) hour increment in overtime. <br /> He noted, however, that due to the increased demands for the Police Department, <br /> that this line item is not keeping up with the demands. He further noted that the <br /> cost to police a Notre Dame Football game are averaging between $8,000.00-10,000.00 <br /> per game in overtime costs. <br /> Council Member Don Niezgodski questioned line item 151 entitled "Medical, <br /> Surgical, and Dental." It was noted that former police officer Maurice Woods', <br /> currently residing in Dallas, Texas, current prognosis is that no medical surgery is <br /> available to help him unless new technology is forthcoming. The City is averaging <br /> approximately $30,000.00 per year in medical treatment. Assistant Chief Wolvus <br /> also noted that approximately three to four (3-4) officers are on medical leave at any <br /> one time. He further noted that the figures reflected in this line item are to reflect <br /> more realistic figures. <br /> Sergeant Wolvus noted that the SOS boiler did not pass inspection. Money was <br /> included to upgrade it. Katie Humphreys noted that the City would like to sell the <br /> South Sector Building. <br /> In line item 399, a $2,000.00 cost is projected to wash police vehicles per month. The <br /> charge has increased by $1.00 per car which is the largest increase ever incurred by <br /> the City. <br /> Council Member Voorde raised questions with regard to the Police Vehicle Fleet. It <br /> was noted that twenty (20) new police vehicles have been received in 1990. Council <br /> Member Niezgodski questioned take-home car policies along with other Council <br /> Members. Assistant Chief Wolvus noted that the program is good if it is properly <br /> administered. Council Member Niezgodski noted that visibility is a crime deterrent. <br /> Council Member Voorde stated that an additional commitment to the public safety <br /> sector must be made by the City. He stressed that additional manpower is needed <br /> and that the City should be changing its priorities in this area. <br /> Chief Marciniak stated that he has a three (3) year plan which would involve three <br /> (3) additional added to the NEST Team, three (3) additional people to the afternoon <br /> shift to work with juveniles, two-thirds (2/3) of a person added on the street; a new <br /> beat in the south; a new beat in the northwest, which would not include Project 2010 <br /> which may necessitate one (1) to two (2) new beat, with the later resulting from <br /> increased annexation. Chief Marciniak noted that 3.5 officers are needed per beat. <br /> He noted that more officers are needed during the day and three (3) officers instead <br /> of two (2) are needed for crime prevention programs. He also would include a third <br /> person for each shift for the East Race. <br /> Council Member Puzzello praised the work of the NEST Team. It was noted, <br /> however, that traffic tickets have decreased, however, the NEST Team has issued <br />