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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />Commissioner Hertel (AYE): I vote to deny the application on the grounds that has <br />been stated that there are other ways and methods that could occur, and this house <br />is rated as outstanding. <br />Commissioner Brazinsky (AYE): I vote aye for same exact reasons. <br />Commissioner Andrews (AYE): That makes three of us, I don't feel like the <br />homeowner has been able to explore all the potential options laid in front of him <br />because he's been so focused on Green Tree and that has kind of clouded his <br />judgement. I am concerned that his that his child has lead poisoning, this is not the <br />outcome that any of us want but this is what we have been tasked with to do based <br />on the standards and guidelines. <br />Commissioner Stalheim (AYE): I vote to deny on the grounds that there are other <br />ways to acquire lead remediation. Technically, the house will still have lead in it, its <br />just encapsulated and it will be an issue later on down the road. This could set a <br />dangerous precedent for historic properties with replacing windows on the basis of <br />lead paint. <br />Commissioner Downs-Krostenko (AYE): I also voted to deny for the reasons <br />tatted during the discussion. During the course of this meeting the discussion is <br />made clear why we have voted the way that we have. <br />Commissioner Tiffany (AYE): I vote aye because there are other options but in the <br />wellbeing of the child I would like to help with a list of other options. <br />Commissioner Wyncott (NAY): <br />Commissioner Gelfman (AYE): I vote aye for the reasons stated from everyone <br />else on the commission, the standards and guidelines and there are other options <br />that can be addressed with this issue. <br />Certificate of Appropriateness #2022-0223 is denied. <br />Vote: 7-1. Seven in favor, one opposed. <br />COA#2022-0223 is denied. <br />Upon a motion by David Wyncott, being seconded by Elizabeth Hertel, and unanimously carried by vote the <br />Historic Preservation Commission agrees to bypass the rest of the agenda until the next regularly scheduled <br />meeting and move to adjournment. <br />(Audio Position: 48:05) <br />IV. ADJOURNMENT <br />Upon a motion by David Wyncott, seconded by Sarah Andrews and unanimously carried, the meeting <br />was adjourned at 6:53 p.m. <br />Joan Downs-Krostenko �/f/ 21 Date <br />Arch. Historian/ Secretary <br />Page 12 <br />