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Minutes/Human Resources and <br /> Economic Development Committee <br /> July 27, 1987 <br /> Page 3 <br /> - That present Section IV be renumbered V and that new <br /> Section IV read as follows: <br /> The abatement deduction shall be for six (6) years. <br /> This determination was made under the authority of I.C. , 6-1.1- <br /> 12 . 1-3 . <br /> Following further discussion by the Committee, Councilman <br /> Puzzello made a motion, seconded by Councilman Taylor, that the <br /> amended version of Resolution No. 87-65 be recommended favorably <br /> to Council. The motion passed. <br /> The Committee then reviewed Resolution No. 87-69 which would <br /> authorize the Mayor to submit an application to the Indiana <br /> Department of Commerce for a State Industrial Development grant <br /> on behalf of Intracomp , Inc . Sherry Shane gave a brief <br /> description of the petition. She noted that they were seeking a <br /> $75 , 000 grant from the State which would be matched by the City <br /> as follows: <br /> $37,500 from the City of South Bend, Indiana; and <br /> $37,500 from the Industrial Fund <br /> She noted that the monies would be used for street , water and <br /> sewer improvements in the Industrial Park Phase IV for improve- <br /> ments along Point Meridian Drive. She further indicated that <br /> Intracomp , Inc. was located within South Bend but primarily had <br /> export sales outside the South Bend area. Approximately thirty <br /> (30) new jobs would be created at the facility. <br /> Following further discussion, Councilman Taylor made a <br /> motion, seconded by Councilman Beck, that Resolution No. 87-69 be <br /> recommended favorably to Council. <br /> Under miscellaneous business, Councilman Braboy indicated <br /> that the 1988 Community Development Block Grant application (copy <br /> attached) should be reviewed by the Committee. Elizabeth Leonard <br /> was available for review and comments. However, in light of the <br /> late hour and the upcoming Council meeting, there was not <br /> sufficient time to review the grant application in detail. <br />