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• DESCRIPTION -PARCEL 4 <br />A parcel of land being a part of Lot 8 in the Original Plat of South Bend as shown on <br />the recorded plat in the Office of the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana and <br />being more particularly described as follows: ' <br />Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence East along. the South line <br />of said Lot 8, a distance of 77.50 feet; thence north, a distance of 6.61 feet to the <br />place of beginning for this description also being on the West line of a parcel of land <br />owned by the Edward Kalamaros; thence continuing North along said West line of <br />the Kalamaros property, a distance of 53.86 to a point ofnon-tangent curve; thence <br />Easterly, Southeasterly and Southwesterly along a curve to the right having a radius <br />of 27.00 feet and a central angle of 171-49'-26" and limited in length by a chord that <br />bears South, a distance of 53.86 feet to the place of beginning containing 1,041 <br />square feet more or less. _ <br />DESCRIPTION -PARCEL 5 (Waterworks Easement) <br />Lot 10 and a part of the Lots 8 and 9 in the Original Plat of South Bend as shown on <br />the recorded plat in the Office of the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana and <br />being more particularly described as follows: <br />• Commencing at the Southwest corner of said Lot 8; thence North along the West line <br />of said Lot 8, a distance of 1.25 feet to the place of beginning for this description; <br />thence continuing North, a distance of 103.75 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot <br />9; thence East along the North line of said Lot 9, a distance of 77.50 feet; thence <br />South, a distance of 131.25 feet; thence West, a distance of 0.28 feet; thence North, <br />a distance of 0.50 feet; thence West, a distance of 35.83 feet; thence North, a distance <br />of 4.50 feet; thence West, a distance of 7.75 feet; thence South, a distance of 4.50 <br />feet; thence West, a distance of 33.64 feet to the place of beginning containing <br />20,988 square feet more or less. <br />DESCRIPTION -PARCEL 6 (Alley Easement) <br />The first East/West alley North of West Colfax Avenue from the East right-of--way <br />of North Main Street to the West right-of--way of North Michigan Street for a <br />distance of approximately 344 feet and a width of 14 feet. <br />Beginning at the North/West corner of Lot 9, Original Plat of South Bend, being the <br />same as the Eastright-of--way of North Main Street and the South right-of--way of the <br />East/West alley; thence North 14 feet along the East right-of--way of North Main <br />Street extended to the South/West corner of Lot 10, being the same as the East right- <br />of-way of North Main Street and the North right-of--way of the East/West alley; <br />• <br />-6- <br />::ODMA\PCDOCS\SBDOCS 117369\i <br />