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Public Works Committee <br /> Minutes/October 21 , 1987 <br /> Page 2 <br /> goes into the Solid Waste General Fund. He noted that the low <br /> charge would be eight dollars and fifty cents ($8 .50) with the <br /> high being one hundred and twenty five dollars ($125 . 00) , and <br /> that the average charge of the six hundred and eighteen (618). <br /> billed pick-ups was fifteen dollars and eighty two cents ( $15 .82) . <br /> A total of nine thousand seven hundred and seventy six dollars <br /> and fifty cents ($9, 776.50) has been billed during this period of <br /> time. The chart also noted that ninety one point ten percent <br /> (99. 10%) of all trash pick-ups have been free. <br /> It was noted that the supervisor determines what extra equipment <br /> will go to a trash pick-up sight . It was also noted that between <br /> six hundred to eight hundred customers are on each route. <br /> Mr. Leszczynski noted that the goal is to pick up as quickly as <br /> possible, with the least convenience to the homeowner. <br /> Upon questioning by the Council Attorney, Mr. Leszczynski confirmed <br /> that the city does utilize a "shut-off" procedure if a homeowner <br /> fails to pay his trash pick-up charge. <br /> Councilman Beck stated that in August , she got a call stating that <br /> Tony Cana said that the charge would be between seventy, eighty or <br /> ninety dollars. She then in turn called Bob Kruszynski with re- <br /> gard to the quoted charge. Mr. Kruszynski and Councilman Beck <br /> disagreed with regard to the actual conversation that took place. <br /> Mrs. Wiseman stated that in July, she was told by Tony, that if <br /> she waited there would be no charge for the first pick-up of the <br /> various surplus trash items. In light of that , she waited and was <br /> not billed in her next billing cycle from the city. <br /> Tony noted that he does all billings and that because he was on <br /> vacation, th e. billings for Mrs. Wiseman for the two trash pick-ups <br /> came within one billing cycle and were not staggered. <br /> Councilman Beck then showed pictures of where the debris had been <br /> placed before the city . picked up the trash material . She noted <br /> that the grass had been damaged , however, was not making claim to <br /> the city for repairing the grass , even though the city had made <br /> such an offer. <br /> Mr. & Mrs. Madlem, of 1918 East Ewing, stated that they had called <br /> the city to pick up a refrigerator and water softener, and that <br /> there was no charge for this pick-up by the city. On a second <br /> occassion, they called the city to have small car parts picked-up <br /> and were informed that the cost would be twenty dollars ($20 .00) . <br /> They questioned why the city changed its :policy without letting <br /> the public know. The Madlem' s stated that the car parts in ques- <br /> tion included two doors , and part of a top of an MG, which were <br /> cut down so that they could be easily picked up by the city. The <br />