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Personnel & Finance <br /> Minutes/August 7 , 1987 <br /> Page 3 <br /> It was noted that the increase is in the salary positions <br /> with all other line items remaining the same as in 1987. <br /> CONTROLLER Page 1.A.002 - requested 1988 budget $2, 889 , 277 <br /> representing a 20% increase over the 1987 budget. <br /> Mr. Vance indicated that there is a need for new positions <br /> in his department due of the computerization and the addition of <br /> the Water Works and the computer aided dispatch system. He <br /> indicated that he is requesting the following new positions: one <br /> (1) Director E.D.P. for an annual salary of $32 ,500 ; one (1) <br /> programmer/analyst for an annual salary of $23 , 400 ; one ( 1) <br /> computer operator for an annual salary of $ 17 ,016 ; one (1) <br /> personnel specialist for an annual salary of $16,000. He also <br /> indicated that the administrative assistant presently budgeted at <br /> $28 , 879 was deleted from his budget for 1988. He further <br /> indicated elimination of certain positions, namely the account <br /> check IV currently budgeted at $15,820. <br /> Councilman Puzzello asked for an update with regard to when <br /> the computers in the Department of Code Enforcement would be <br /> networked with the other departments. Carol Sanders indicated <br /> that networking is coming; however, it is not ready and she could <br /> not project a specific date when it would be complete. <br /> BARRETT LAW Page 1 .A.007 - requested 1988 budget $25 , 916 <br /> representing a 1 . 1% increase. <br /> It was noted that the overall budget remained the same as <br /> 1987 with the only increase being in the salaried positions . <br /> DISCOVERY HALL Page 15 .A.001 - requested 1988 budget <br /> $206 , 940 representing a 25 .4% decrease . <br /> Mr. Vance indicated that the Discovery Hall and the <br /> Studebaker collection were being operated by a not-for-profit <br /> corporation. The overall budget reflected in line item 399 , <br /> Other Contractuals , a decrease from the current amount of <br /> $165 ,000 to a proposed amount of $137 ,055 . <br />