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Page 2 . <br /> Vance noted that the Traffic & Lighting Division is currently studying <br /> parking zones because of the "chopped" sequence in the downtown area. <br /> Two meter maids and limited policemen enforce by ticketing. Councilman <br /> Voorde suggested that perhaps senior citizens could assist in this area. <br /> Councilman Puzzello asked of Mrs. Nimitz the collection procedure and she <br /> indicated that there was a considerable backlog and currently she does <br /> the processing by hand and believes that computers would assist greatly. <br /> Mr. Vance noted that much of the delay is from the county. <br /> Councilman Beck and Councilman Puzzello voiced concern over stressing <br /> enforcement in different zones. Councilman Puzzello questioned the status <br /> of the free lot. <br /> Councilman Barcome noted that 60%, currently being collected, could be <br /> increased as high as 80% which would create an additional $20, 000. 00 in <br /> revenue. Mr. Vance added that the parking garages are up for sale and <br /> that an approximate balance remaining is at $3 , 600,000. 00. <br /> Councilman Beck noted that the parking garages were built under the Mayor <br /> Allen administration and were refinanced under the Mayor Nemeth administration. <br /> It also was noted that if the garages would not be refinanced, that a balloon <br /> payment would have been due in 1990. Currently there is a reserve being <br /> built of $239 , 000. 00 debt service annually. The parking garages are to be <br /> paid off in the year 2015 . <br /> Councilman Serge voiced concern that the time is wrong for raising the fees. <br /> Councilman Barcome suggested that he would support the bills once the <br /> remaining two blocks would be opened. <br /> Mr. Vance noted that the problem is deficit financing. <br /> The council attorney noted that she had been contacted by a group of county <br /> employees who voiced opposition to the $3. 00 increase in monthly parking <br /> rates. She also noted that it appeared from the discussion that the counsel <br /> was concerned over raising the parking fines to the $5 . 00 level for the <br /> initial fine. She suggested that perhaps a $3. 00 parking violation at the <br /> initial level, and maintaining the proposed $10. 00 fine after the five day <br /> period had elapsed, would be a compromised position. Several councilmen <br /> agreed to this basic concept . It was suggested that on August 1st effective <br /> date to be possible for both bills. <br /> Following further discussion, Councilman Barcome made a motion, seconded <br /> by Councilman Paszek that bill number 64-86 be amended to include a $3. 00 <br /> fine and settlement of the offense and a $10. 00 fine thereafter, with an <br /> effective date of August 1st. The motion passed unanimously. <br />