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Confidential & Proprietary Information of Ameresco, Inc. Page 14 of 54 <br />notice of termination at least ten (10) days prior to the requested termination date. <br />SECTION 13 Dispute Resolution <br />Claims, disputes, or other matters in controversy ( a “Dispute ”) arising out of or related to the <br />Agreement or the Project shall be subject to informal dispute resolution and mediation as a condition <br />precedent to any and all remedies at law or in equity. If during the term of this Agreement a Dispute <br />arises concerning the Project or this Agreement, the Dispute shall initially be submitted to Customer’s <br />project representative and Ameresco’s project manager for resolution by mutual agreement between <br />the Parties. Any mutual determination by Customer’s project representative and Ameresco’s project <br />manager will be final and binding upon the Parties. However, should Customer representative and <br />Ameresco’s project manager fail to arrive at a mutual decision as to the Dispute within ten (10) business <br />days after notice to both individuals of such Dispute, such Dispute will be submitted to a representative <br />from management of both Parties who shall meet in person or by phone within ten (10) business days <br />after either Party gives the other Party written notice of the Dispute (the “Dispute Notice ”). The <br />Dispute Notice shall set forth in reasonable detail the aggrieved Party’s position and its proposal for <br />resolution of the Dispute. If the Dispute is not resolved within thirty (30) calendar days after the first <br />meeting of the Parties, then the Parties shall endeavor to resolve the Dispute by mediation. A request <br />for mediation shall be made in writing and delivered to the other Party. The request may be made <br />concurrently with the filing of any and all remedies at law or in equity but, in such event, mediation <br />shall proceed in advance of any proceedings filed in a judicial forum, which shall be stayed pending <br />mediation for a period of sixty (60) days from the date of filing, unless stayed for a longer period of <br />time by agreement of the Parties or court order. <br />The Parties shall share the fees of the mediation equally. The mediation shall be held in the place <br />where the Project is located, unless another location is mutually agreed upon. Agreements reached in <br />mediation shall be enforceable as settlement agreements in any court having jurisdiction thereof. <br />If the Parties do not resolve the Dispute through informal dispute resolution or mediation, either <br />Party is free to pursue any other available remedy in law or at equity. <br />SECTION 14 Insurance and Bonds <br />(a)By Ameresco: Ameresco shall provide and maintain at its expense the following insurance <br />coverage: <br />(i)Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance as required by applicable <br />State law. <br />(ii)Commercial General Liability Insurance, including contractual liability, Bodily Injury <br />per person, $-5 million; Bodily Injury per occurrence, $5million; Property Damage per <br />occurrence, $ 5 million; Personal Injury per occurrence, $ 5 million. <br />(iii)Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including owned, non-owned and <br />hired automotive equipment of, Bodily Injury per person, $ 5 million; Bodily Injury <br />per occurrence, $ 5 million; Property Damage per occurrence, $ 5 million. <br />Ameresco shall deliver to Customer a Certificate of Insurance naming Customer as an additional <br />insured party under paragraphs (ii) and (iii), above. <br />(b)Ameresco shall deliver to Customer Payment and Performance Bonds in a sum equal to the <br />Contract Cost conditioned upon faithful performance of the Agreement by Ameresco, for the <br />implementation of the ECM(s) as it may be from time to time modified by Change Orders within ten <br />(10)days of issuance of a Notice to Proceed. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein,