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Redevelopment Commisison can give me any factual reason for turning <br /> down my proposal. <br /> Mr . Voorde: Mr . McMahon, do you care to respond to Mr. Brademas? <br /> Mr. McMahon: The information that Mr. Brademas has brought in <br /> represents a great deal of work on his part. He is a professional <br /> in the community, and as a professional in the community, versed <br /> in specific areas he does put together various packages that <br /> represent the various things that have to be reconsidered when <br /> looking at a building. I certainly wouldn' t challenge that in <br /> any way. I could, however, say that we have had a number of <br /> people come in to us with proposals on the Odd Fellows Building, <br /> and Mr . Brademas' work in this regard is not different in this <br /> respect. Many of them had come in with volumes of information to <br /> support why their proposal was best. Mr. Brademas comes in with <br /> certain things that perhaps are more easily generated in his <br /> particular office, and others who are versed in other areas have <br /> come in with different aspects which were stronger in other areas. <br /> The type of information which has been presented here, and while <br /> Mr. Brademas made a presentation did not offer us some of the <br /> information he offered here today, some of it has been generated. <br /> He obviously was not talking about this previously, that being <br /> aside from the point, we have received a number of proposals from <br /> other individuals whose proposals were cancelled, and once we <br /> have discussed their proposals with them as we discussed his <br /> proposal with him, brought in an enormous amount of information <br /> to back up their proposals. As I explained to Mr . Brademas before <br /> he apparently did not understand the process of the Redevelopment <br /> Commission. Not unlike any other developer , Mr . Brademas came to <br /> us and said I have generated this additional information and if I <br /> am to go any further on this, and extend further funds I want to <br /> know that the City is solely talking to me. I want to know that <br /> if you feel my proposal is good, and I spend further monies to <br /> pursue this project I would like to know that if I can get to <br /> where I said I can get, I want to know that I am the only one you <br /> are talking to and the project is going to go ahead. <br /> Mr . Voorde: Is that a legitimate request? <br /> Mr. McMahon: It certainly is. We have no problem with this with <br /> other developers, and his is no different. The Commission has <br /> evaluated all the proposals based on their strength. (the equity <br /> in the building, the rennovation concept, the amount of monies <br /> spent on the building, the strength of the rental or lease of the <br /> building from the standpoint of revenues generated from the building <br /> and their ability to meet the costs associated with the rennovation. <br /> These are what the Redevelopment Commission evaluates. His proposal <br /> was rejected, along with other proposals based on the advice from <br /> professional consultants, not from members of our staff and consultants <br /> we have used over a numbear of years. They were rejected on the <br /> basis that they were not economically feasible, and this is back <br /> in 1979 when the bids were made. We accepted proposals for a <br /> second time to change their proposals and offer some alternate <br /> proposals. We have also had some new people who have come in and <br /> given us their suggestions for the building, some office and some <br /> not office. They presented new proposals and we looked at them. <br /> We chose out the strongest and the weakest. Mr . Brademas ' did <br /> not rate on top nor did it rate number two. His was rejected <br /> because it was not as strong as other proposals and we felt we <br /> had an obligation to go with the strongest proposal. That is the <br /> basis of the rejection of his proposal; it was not as strong as <br /> other proposals presented (from the equity standpoint, from the <br /> aspects of the financing, the rental structure, and the manner in <br /> which he would pay any monies in which he had invested in it. <br />