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NOTES <br />1. Public notice of the company's intention to erect a new <br />structure can be found in: "Erecting an Office'' South Bend <br />Tribune 7-18-07:1. Other relevant information can be found in <br />Jeanne Denham, Studebaker Administration Building_ Tour, <br />(Studebaker National Museum Archives, South Bend, IN: n.d.). <br />2. A series of lithographs depicts the changing Studebaker <br />manufacturing facilities from the 1835 shop and home in Ashland, <br />Ohio to the mammoth twentieth-century facilities in: Albert <br />Russell Erskine History of the Studebaker_ Corporation (South <br />Bend: The Studebaker Corporation, 1918). Other sources for <br />Studebaker history, of varying quality, are: William A. Cannon <br />and Fred K. Fox, Studebaker: The Complete Story (Blue Ridge <br />Summit, Pa.: Tab Books, 1981); Kathleen Ann Smallzried and <br />Dorothy James Roberts, More Than You Promise: A Business at Work <br />in Society (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1942); Michael Beatty, <br />Patrick Furlong and Loren Pennington, Studebaker: Less Than They <br />Promised (South Bend: And Books, 1984); 100 Years On The Road <br />(South Bend: Studebaker Corp., 1952); Asa E. Hall and Richard M. <br />Langworth, The Studebaker Century: A National Heritage <br />(Contoocook, N.H.: 1983). <br />3. History: 64-66; an advertisement showing "principal <br />repositories" can also be seen in: Stephen Longstreet A Century <br />on Wheels: The Story of Studebaker (New York: Henry Holt, 1952): <br />illustrations, center fly -leaf. <br />4. Denham, 3. <br />5. "Morton Carriage Now in Collection," South Bend Tribune <br />8-1-11:15. <br />6. Studebaker Trade Papers Release (April, 1941); location: <br />Studebaker National Museum. <br />7. Studebaker Trade Papers: 2. <br />8. Studebaker Sales Brochure, Administration Building, (South <br />Bend: n.d.): Location: Studebaker National Museum. <br />9. Studebaker Corporation, South Bend. Indiana Yard and Floor <br />Plans (1912); location: Studebaker National Museum, South Bend, <br />Indiana. <br />10. Who Was Who in American Art (Madison, Conn.; Soundview <br />Press, 1985):288. <br />11. Richard C. Wade in forward to: Stanley Buder Pullman: An <br />Experiment in Industrial Order and Community Planning, 1880-1930 <br />(New York: Oxford University Press, 1967): viii. Beman's career <br />is also discussed in: "Solon Spencer Beman, President of the <br />Illinois Chapter A.I.A," Architecture News 10-22-04:291. <br />12. Buder, 74. <br />