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Tri-Pac Inc. Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit page 33 of 36 <br /> <br />IV. Enforcement Response Plan Examples <br /> <br />A. Sampling, Monitoring, and Reporting <br /> <br />Non-Compliance Circumstances Range of Response <br />Failure to sample, <br />monitor or report Isolated, or infrequent <br />LOV requiring correction within <br />14 days, AF, AO <br />Failure to sample, <br />monitor, report, and <br />notify Control <br />Authority Isolated or infrequent <br />LOV requiring correction within <br />14 days, Escalated AF, AO <br />Failure to sample, <br />monitor, report, and <br />notify Control <br />Authority <br />Frequent, or IU does not respond <br />to LOV LOV, AF, AO, SNC <br />Failure to notify of <br />effluent limit <br />violation, or slug <br />discharge <br />Isolated, or infrequent. No <br />known effects. <br />LOV, AF, AO if no response <br />within 14 days <br />Failure to notify of <br />effluent limit violation Frequent or continued violation LOV, AF, AO, SNC, LIT <br />Failure to notify of <br />effluent limit <br />violation, or slug <br />discharge <br />Known environmental or POTW <br />damage LOV, AF, SNC, AO, Lit <br />Failure to submit <br />renewal permit <br />application 90 days <br />prior to permit <br />expiration <br />Number of days will be <br />considered LOV, AF <br />Reporting false <br />information Any instance LIT, Criminal Investigation <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />