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Tri-Pac Inc. Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit page 31 of 36 <br />enforcement action, the reasons for such action, and a request that the User show cause <br />why the proposed enforcement action should not be taken. <br /> <br />d. Compliance - When the Director finds that a User has violated, or continues to violate, <br />any provision of this ordinance, an individual wastewater discharge permit, or order issued <br />hereunder, or any other Pretreatment Standard or Requirement, the Director may issue an <br />order to the User responsible for the discharge directing that the User come into compliance <br />within a specified time. If the User does not come into compliance within the time <br />provided, sewer service may be discontinued unless adequate treatment facilities, devices, <br />or other related appurtenances are installed and properly operated. Compliance orders also <br />may contain other requirements to address the noncompliance, including additional self- <br />monitoring and management practices designed to minimize the amount of pollutants <br />discharged to the sewer. A compliance order may not extend the deadline for compliance <br />established for a Pretreatment Standard or Requirement, nor does a compliance order <br />relieve the User of liability for any violation, including any continuing violation. <br /> <br /> <br />5. LIT – Litigation is the most severe enforcement action and is utilized when a User has not <br />cooperated with the Control Authority or responded to the other enforcement remedies. <br />Litigation defines several courses of action including civil suits for injunctive relief and/or civil <br />penalties, criminal suits, termination of service, etc. These types of actions would all involve <br />the courts and the City Attorney and would follow the procedures necessary for the due <br />process. <br /> <br /> <br />III. Significant Non-Compliance (SNC) <br /> <br />Utilizing the Enforcement Response Plan, Pretreatment Staff will initiate the appropriate response and see that <br />the enforcement tracking files have been updated to show the type of action being taken and the response date. <br /> <br />On a quarterly basis the Pretreatment Staff will be responsible for reviewing the compliance file of all Industrial <br />Users for the previous six (6) months to determine significant non-compliance of any industrial user and on an <br />annual basis, the names of all Industrial Users found in significant non-compliance will be published in the South <br />Bend Tribune. A definition of significant non-compliance follows. <br /> <br /> <br />Instances of Significant Non-Compliance (SNC) are Industrial User Violations which meet one or more of the <br />following criteria: <br /> <br /> <br />(a) Chronic violations of wastewater Discharge limits, defined here as those in which <br />sixty-six (66) percent or more of all of the measurements taken for the same pollutant <br />parameter during a six-month period exceed (by any magnitude) a numeric Pretreatment <br />Standard or Requirement, including instantaneous limits, as defined by 40 CFR 403.3(l); <br /> <br />(b) Technical Review Criteria (TRC) violations, defined here as those in which thirty-three <br />(33) percent or more of all of the measurements taken for the same pollutant parameter