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iv <br /> Mr. Vance also stated that the City might wish to consider collecting <br /> up to a certain balance and then "kill the law at that point" , and let it <br /> live on the interest. However he again emphasized that he needed more time <br /> for an experience rate. <br /> Mr. Vance pointed out that the provision allowing 365 days to pay <br /> the City was causing problems. Perhaps a provision to allow the Wasterwater <br /> Commissioners to set the terms of payment would be in order. He said he <br /> would study this and report back in writing by Friday, October 9th. <br /> Councilman Szymkowiak was quite concerned over the $200, 000 "cushion" . <br /> He emphasized that he made a commitment to the citizens to review this <br /> law. He noted that the citizens would have more respect toward government <br /> and the Council if it used good judgment in reviewing the rates. <br /> Councilman McGann calculated that the City lost 8 to $9, 000. 00 in <br /> interest by not putting the law into effect when passed. He added that the <br /> fund should have $173, 000 by April 1, 1982 - under the reduced rates. He <br /> also suggested that a letter be sent to all licensed plumbers once the <br /> bill is amended. <br /> Councilman Beck noted that she thought the the bill may be <br /> premature in light of the limited experience rate. <br /> Council Zielinski voice support of reducing the report from the <br /> Board of Wastewater Commissioners from monthly to quarterly. <br /> Orvis Hart noted that the original bill a year ago called for a <br /> twenty-five cent Monthly charge based on 41, 000 customers. <br /> Councilman McGann made a motion seconded by Councilman Szymkowiak to <br /> report Bill 94-81 favorably to Council, and to take the terms of payment <br /> and notification of repair issues under advisement until a report is <br /> received from Mr. Vance on these two matters. The vote was unamiously in <br /> favor of the motion. <br /> Mr. Vance said he would have any amendments he desired by Friday. <br /> He added that he would be coming to the Council with an ordinance on the <br /> SamOle Street Sewer project. Due to the heavy truck traffic the old brick <br /> sewers were in need of substantial repair. Costs would be paid out of the <br /> Bureau of Sanitation Fund. <br /> There being no further business to come before the Committee, <br /> Councilman Zielinski entertained a motion to adjourn made by Councilman <br /> McGann, seconded by Councilman Beck. The meeting was adjourned at <br /> 5 :40 p.m. <br /> Respectfully Submitted, <br /> Raymond C. Zielinski, <br /> Utility Committee Chairman <br /> Beverly D. Cron p,` <br /> Personnel and Finance Committee <br /> Chairman <br />