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Norfolk Southern Railway Company <br />Norfolk Southern - Special Provisions for Protection of Railway Interests <br />July 23, 2018, Updated March 11, 2021 <br />Appendix <br />E-11 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />2. The Railroad representative will: <br /> <br />a. Determine approximate location of trains and advise the Contractor the <br />appropriate amount of time available for the blasting operation and clean <br />up. <br /> <br />b. Have the authority to order discontinuance of blasting if, in his opinion, blasting <br />is too hazardous or is not in accord with these special provisions. <br /> <br />3. The Contractor must hire, at no expense to the Railroad, a qualified and independent <br />blasting consultant to oversee the use of explosives. The blasting consultant will: <br /> <br />a. Review the Contractor’s proposed drilling and loading patterns, and with the <br />blasting consultant’s personnel and instruments, monitor the blasting <br />operations. <br /> <br />b. Confirm that the minimum amounts of explosives are used to remove the rock. <br /> <br />c. Be empowered to intercede if he concludes that the Contractor’s blasting <br />operations are endangering the Railway. <br /> <br />d. Submit a letter acknowledging that he has been engaged to oversee the entire <br />blasting operation and that he approves of the blasting plan. <br /> <br />e. Furnish copies of all vibration readings to the Railroad representative <br />immediately after each blast. The representative will sign and date the <br />seismograph tapes after each shot to verify the readings are for that specific <br />shot. <br /> <br />f. Advise the Railroad representative as to the safety of the operation and notify <br />him of any modifications to the blasting operation as the work progresses. <br /> <br />4. The request for permission to use explosives on the Railroad’s Right-of-Way shall <br />include a blasting proposal providing the following details: <br /> <br />a. A drawing which shows the proposed blasting area, location of nearest hole <br />and distance to Railway structures, all with reference to the centerline of track. <br /> <br />b. Hole diameter. <br /> <br />c. Hole spacing and pattern. <br /> <br />d. Maximum depth of hole. <br /> <br />e. Maximum number of decks per hole. <br /> <br />f. Maximum pounds of explosives per hole. <br /> <br />g. Maximum pounds of explosives per delay. <br /> <br />h. Maximum number of holes per detonation. <br />EXHIBIT C