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Norfolk Southern Railway Company <br />Norfolk Southern - Special Provisions for Protection of Railway Interests <br />July 23, 2018, Updated March 11, 2021 <br />Appendix <br />E-3 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />clearance may be required in special cases to be safe for operating conditions. This <br />additional clearance will be as determined by the Railroad Engineer. <br /> <br />3. All proposed temporary clearances which are less than those listed above must be <br />submitted to Railroad Engineer for approval prior to construction and must also be <br />authorized by the regulatory body of the State if less than the legally prescribed <br />clearances. <br /> <br />4. The temporary clearance requirements noted above shall also apply to all other physical <br />obstructions including, but not limited to: stockpiled materials, parked equipment, <br />placement or driving of piles, and bracing or other construction supports. <br /> <br />B. Before undertaking any work within Railroad right-of-way, and before placing any <br />obstruction over any track, the Contractor shall: <br /> <br />1. Notify the Railroad’s representative at least 72 hours in advance of the work. <br /> <br />2. Receive assurance from the Railroad’s representative that arrangements <br />have been made for flagging service as may be necessary. <br /> <br />3. Receive permission from the Railroad’s representative to proceed with the work. <br /> <br />4. Ascertain that the Sponsor’s Engineer has received copies of notice to the Railroad and <br />of the Railroad’s response thereto. <br /> <br />5. CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES: <br /> <br />A. General: <br /> <br />1. Construction work and operations by the Contractor on Railroad property shall be: <br /> <br />a. Subject to the inspection and approval of the Railroad Engineer or their <br />designated Construction Engineering Representative. <br /> <br />b. In accordance with the Railroad’s written outline of specific conditions. <br /> <br />c. In accordance with the Railroad’s general rules, regulations and <br />requirements including those relating to safety, fall protection and personal <br />protective equipment. <br /> <br />d. In accordance with these Special Provisions. <br /> <br />2. Submittal Requirements <br /> <br />a. The Contractor shall submit all construction related correspondence and <br />submittals electronically to the Railroad Engineer. <br /> <br />b. The Contractor shall allow for 30 days for the Railroad’s review and response. <br /> <br />c. All work in the vicinity of the Railroad’s property that has the potential to affect <br />the Railroad’s train operations or disturb the Railroad’s Property must be <br />submitted and approved by the Railroad prior to work being performed. <br />EXHIBIT C