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4. Upon receipt of information that an employee is believed to be in an unfit <br />condition, the Project Manager or Safety Director shall interview the <br />employee and conduct whatever investigation is deemed necessary to <br />determine if the employee needs to be sent for a Fitness -for -Duty <br />evaluation. A Fitness -for -Duty questionnaire should be completed at the <br />time of the interview. <br />5. If the Project Manager or Safety Director concludes that the employee is in <br />an unfit condition and cannot continue to work because of either alcohol or <br />substance abuse, the employee shall immediately be referred to the <br />collection facility for a Fitness -for -Duty evaluation. In addition, the <br />employee should be suspended from work, without pay, pending the results <br />of the Fitness -for -Duty evaluation. <br />6. An employee who appears to be in an unfit condition will be asked to sign <br />a Testing Consent and Release Agreement. If the employee refuses - to <br />consent to a Fitness -for -Duty evaluation, the employee should be <br />suspended, without pay, pending termination. <br />7. Regardless of the outcome of this process, the supervisory staff members <br />are responsible for transporting the employee either to the medical facility, <br />back to the work site, or to the employee's home. Only if the employee <br />Openly refuses transportation shall the management staff involved abdicate <br />this responsibility. Any refusal by the employee to accept such assistance <br />should be documented by management. Should the employee insist upon <br />driving himself/herself home, management is to contact the local police <br />authorities, indicating what behavior has been observed, his/her refusal to <br />accept assistance in getting home, the make of his/her automobile, and <br />his/her license plate number. The date and time of this call should be <br />recorded along with the name of the police personnel who took the call. <br />8. Throughout this process, supervisory personnel should not attempt to <br />diagnose possible causes of observed behaviors. It is the supervisor's <br />responsibility, however, to communicate with the medical personnel <br />involved as to what behaviors have been observed and reasons for concern. <br />S13DS01 GFL 32463 <br />-9- <br />