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5. Employees who complete the program will also be required to comply with <br />the after-care program as established by the treatment facility. Failure to <br />do so will result in the employee's termination. <br />G. CONFIRMATORY TESTING AT THE EMPLOYEE'S OPTION <br />1. Should any testing procedure indicate that an employee has used chemical <br />substances in excess of the limits set forth in Exhibit A, the employee may, <br />at his or her option and own expense, have a confirmatory test performed <br />on the original sample at the laboratory which performed the initial testing. <br />The laboratory shall use the GUMS test (for drugs) or the blood alcohol <br />test (for alcohol), whichever is applicable under the circumstances. If the <br />confirmatory test indicates the employee has not used chemical substances <br />in excess of the limits set forth in Exhibit A, the results of the confirmatory <br />test will control for the purposes of any subsequent action. In addition, <br />Ritschard will purge the employee's personnel record of the results of the <br />initial test. If the confirmatory test indicates the employee has used <br />chemical substances in excess of the limits set forth in Exhibit A, the results <br />Of the confirmatory test will control for the purposes of any subsequent <br />action. <br />H. COLLECTION AND TESTING PROCEDURES <br />1. Collection Procedures. <br />(a) All reports of medical examinations and treatment status and <br />chemical substances tests will be maintained in a confidential manner <br />with original medical records remaining with the Medical Review <br />Officer (MRO) at the collection facility. <br />(b) Initial urine collection shall be performed in private. The collection <br />facility shall check the sample for temperature, pH, specific gravity, <br />and urine creatinine level to determine whether adulteration has <br />occurred. If collection facility personnel suspect adulteration has <br />occurred, a second sample shall be collected in direct visualization <br />by collection facility personnel of the same gender as the applicant <br />to verify the source of the sample. <br />(c) The MRO shall be a licensed physician who is responsible for <br />receiving laboratory results generated from the Company's drug <br />testing program. The MRO must have knowledge of substance <br />-7- <br />