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Beverlie Beck <br /> November 21 , 1986 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 2 ) . The transfer to Maxicare Insurance is a <br /> transfer from the regular Group Insurance <br /> account . This line item was not budgeted <br /> in the 1986 budget . <br /> 3 ) . The requested increase in Other Contractuals <br /> reflects unforeseen expenditures for <br /> Professional Consultants ( i . e . , Crowe , Chizek <br /> & Co) mostly related to the Office Automation <br /> Project and the computer conversion . <br /> b . Board of Public Works <br /> 1 ) . The increase in Electric Current is to cover <br /> the cost of street lighting . <br /> c . Police Department <br /> 1 ) . The increase in Extra & Overtime is due to <br /> overtime and recall used by SWAT call-ups <br /> for tracking homocide suspects , the FTO <br /> program for new recruits , a heavy case load <br /> in court , and to cover the projected cost of <br /> the sick buy-out plan for 1986 . <br /> 2 ) . The requested increase to Other Garage and <br /> Motor Supplies is to cover costs billed by the <br /> new Division of Equipment Services . <br /> 3) . This requested transfer for Radio Equipment <br /> is necessary to cover the purchase of <br /> portable radios for recruits , a special radio <br /> for S .O . S . and a bird dog tracking transmitter <br /> for S .O . S . <br /> d . Fire Department and Emergency Medical Svcs . <br /> 1 ) . The increase in Extra and Overtime is <br /> necessary to cover FLSA required overtime <br /> and to cover the vacation and overtime <br /> requirements which occur during the holiday <br /> season. <br /> 2 ) . Medical expenses for injuries incurred on- <br /> the-job have exceeded the original 1986 <br /> projections . <br /> 3 ) . The cost of Maintenance Supplies has <br /> exceeded original projections . <br /> 4 ) . The increase in Motor Equipment is to <br /> cover the cost of vehicles purchased <br /> this past Spring. <br />