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ComYr2ittEz J,to't of tL <br /> E,u.onne- and 9inaneE CommittEz of t cSoutg BEnci common 2ounad <br /> Legal Department Fund# 101-0501 2005 Proposed $866,991 3.6% increase <br /> Charles S. Leone, City Attorney, noted that the proposed budget for the Legal <br /> Department is similar to last years. There are nine (9) attorneys, one (1)paralegal, one (1) office <br /> manager, one (1) collection specialist, one (1) claims investigator, and two (2) secretaries. Mr. <br /> Leone stated that when an additional attorney was added in 2002, it was hoped that the costs for <br /> this position would be reimbursed from TIF revenues. ,I'lr' revenues from the airport and <br /> downtown do reimburse but not at the full rate. The claims investigator is in the liability <br /> self-insurance budget. <br /> Mr. Leone is requesting that the four(4)Assistant City Attorneys receive a 7.5% increase <br /> next year which would be equal to individual raises of$8,952. He proposes that this be funded <br /> from the library budget which can handle the additional cost. <br /> Mr. Leone then passed out a multi-document handout (copy attached). He stated that <br /> recent changes have been made to the sheets indicating "Attorney Assignments" and that <br /> Ann-Carol Nash is now the attorney for the Century Center Board of Managers and that Jeff <br /> Jankowski is the attorney for the Board of Zoning Appeals. He noted that under $300,000 has <br /> been apid out in liability claims. <br /> In response to a question from Dr. Varner, Mr. Leone noted that in 2000, $408,603.19 <br /> was paid out which included damages resulting from the gun show. <br /> Legal fees may be required to pay related the Kitty Kat Lounge lawsuit which could be in <br /> the low six-figure range. <br /> Dr. Varner inquired where the redevelopment judgments are reflected and a summary of <br /> them. Mr. Skarbek thought they were reflected in Fund# 226. Mr. Leone stated that he would <br /> check on redevelopment judgments. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer inquired whether the city seeks monetary damages in businesses <br /> that are operated as a nuisance, and cited the Bulleyes liquor store which was ultimately shut <br /> down. She noted that police are sent to such nuisance operations and it effects security in other <br /> parts of the city. She also noted that nuisance operations of this type usually have litter and trash <br /> problems also. <br /> Mr. Leone stated that he would check into the Code to see if monetary damages could <br /> be sought against such nuisance operations. He noted however that trying to recoup costs for <br /> police overtime would be difficult. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer then cited an operation at the corner of Lincoln Way and <br /> Adams and stated that the problems relate to the hours of operation. She also stated that <br /> drug-type paraphernalia is being sold which she believes again constitutes a nuisance. <br /> Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting of September 9,2004 Page 4 <br />