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Page 4 of 4 <br />Final Price for SM 720.2 K Trommel $377,516.00 <br />Payment Terms: Payment in Full or Approved Financing Prior to Shipment of Machinery. <br />Delivery Terms: F.O.B. South Bend, IN <br />Taxes: All local, state and federal taxes are the responsibility of the customer. <br />Terms / Warranty: 2 year or 2,000 hour machine warranty. <br />I, the undersigned, being authorized to sign on behalf of my company, agree to and authorize the purchase of the above detailed <br />equipment under the noted and included terms & conditions. <br />Date On behalf of City of South Bend <br />Presented and accepted by: <br />Date On behalf of Modern Tech Equipment <br />Notes: <br />Extended Machine warranty options. <br />1 year / 2,000 hours: $6,700.00 <br />2 year / 4,000 hours: $12,732.00 <br />3 year / 6,000 hours: $18,376.00