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Community and Economic Development(;ottee <br /> January 12,.2004 <br /> Page.2 <br /> Larry. Magliozzi of Community & Economic Development stated that the city is now having a <br /> transition from Phase I to Phase II in the City Plan. Approximately 600 people attended the <br /> eighteen (18) scheduled meetings held during October to December 2003. The meeting at Hay <br /> School was canceled in light of no public being present. The meetings included one (1) with the <br /> Youth Leadership Council,one(1) with college students at IUSB and one(1) with college students <br /> at the University of Notre Dame, two (2) meetings with city employees,one (1) meetings with 8th <br /> grade students and one (1) meeting with 2nd to 5th grade students. He noted that the facilitator <br /> will be wrapping up his analysis with a report being due on January 19, 2004. Mr. Magliozzi <br /> stated that Phase II will include the 49-member Civic Alliance. The panels will be reorganized and <br /> address various discussion points. <br /> Andre Drawey will speak at the Century Center on February 4, 2004, which will be a partnership <br /> between the city and the University of Notre Dame in bringing this speaker to the community. <br /> Mr. Magliozzi stated that there will be a second "Guest Speaker Series" which will be held during <br /> April through May 2004. It is hoped that some of the cost will be underwritten by sponsorships, <br /> with the anticipated cost of the series being projected to be $30,000. He noted that last year <br /> $10,000 was raised to help offset the Guest Speaker Series from private sources. He stated that no <br /> speakers have been "lined up yet", but they are hoping that the speakers will be more "hands on <br /> instead of think tank oriented". He stated that they cannot wait for the themes of Phase II of the <br /> City Plan to be developed and must move ahead in lining up the speakers. <br /> Council Member Pfeifer inquired what is the purpose of this year's Guest Speaker Series and why <br /> is the program being held again. <br /> Jitin Kain of Community & Economic Development stated that the 2nd series will be designed to <br /> address community concerns such as the developing themes of transportation needs, retaining <br /> young people in the community, environmental concerns, etc. <br /> Mr. Magliozzi stated that Richard Florida is being considered as a speaker and may develop the <br /> theme of why creative people need to be attracted to live within cities. He stated that once the <br /> speakers are confirmed that he would update the Council. <br /> Council Member Puzzello noted that the report which is due on January 19, 2004, should contain <br /> valuable information which should be shared with the Council. She requested that copies be <br /> provided of this report. <br /> Mr. Magliozzi stated that he would see that the Council "eventually receives an update". <br /> Mr. George Adler of Community & Economic Development stated that the report would be fine- <br /> tuned and that the information would be used for the ser Fs of meetings held this Spring with the <br /> Team Members. <br /> Council Member Puzzello renewed her request for copies pf(11e January 19th report to be given to <br /> the Council. <br /> Council Member Kelly thanked everyone for the update. , <br />