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Honeywell Groundwater Remediation Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit page 33 of 39 <br />B. Discharge Limitations <br /> <br />Non-Compliance Circumstances Range of Response <br />Exceeding Final Limits <br />(categorical, local, or <br />prohibited) Infrequent or isolated minor violation LOV, AF <br />Exceeding Final Limits <br />Infrequent or isolated major violations, <br />exceed TRC limits <br />LOV & AF, AO, LIT if environmental <br />harm results <br />Exceeding Final Limits Violation(s) which are SNC AF, AO, LIT <br />Exceeding Interim Limits No known damages LOV, AF, AO <br />Exceeding Interim Limits <br />Results in known environmental or <br />POTW damage - SNC LOV, AF, AO, LIT <br />Reported Slug load Isolated, no known damage LOV, Show cause, AF, AO <br />Reported Slug load <br />Isolated with known interference, pass <br />through or damage LOV, AF, AO, LIT <br />Reported Slug load Recurring - SNC LOV, AF, AO, LIT <br />Discharge without permit <br />or approval One time, no known damage LOV, AO, AF <br />Discharge without permit <br />or approval One time, results in damage <br />LOV,AF, AO, LIT, or request for <br />criminal investigation <br />Discharge without permit <br />or approval <br />Continuing violation with known <br />damage <br />LIT, request for criminal investigation, <br />sewer disconnect <br /> <br /> <br />C. Non-compliance detected through inspections or field investigation <br /> <br />Non-Compliance Circumstances Range of Response <br />Minor violation of <br />analytical procedures Any instance LOV, AF with continuing violation <br />Major violation of <br />analytical procedures No evidence of intent LOV, AF, AO <br />Major violation of <br />analytical procedures Evidence of negligence or intent - SNC <br />LOV, AF, AO, LIT (possible criminal <br />action)