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ORAIVGENSAFT, LLC <br />(indoor vehicle processine & salvage) <br />SPI~C'I:\L E\C L=PTTON PLIRSUAN'T 21-U9._ (D) <br />BOAP.D OF %ONING APPEALS <br />Cl'I-l' 01= SOU"1'1-1 BEND. INDIANA <br />]=1N'DINGS OF FACT <br />1. T1-1C PP.OPOSL-D %'S'L- \~'ILL NOT BE IT.TUP~IOUS TO THL- PUBLIC HEALTH. SAFETY', CONIFORT_ <br />C'C)l~I\IIiNITI' NIOR_-\L STAND:\RDS. CON\~ENIENCE OR GENEF.AL \~~ELFARE BECAUSE: <br />Development and use as presented will comply with all building. fire safety. traffic. and parking regulations as to <br />not bein_ injurious to the public health. safety. morals. and general ~~'elfare ol'the community. <br />_. "7~1-IE I'ROPUSED US/~ \\'l]_L NO"T IN'.IUP.E OR ADVERSELY' AFFL-CT T]-lE USE OF TI-IE AD.IACENT <br />.~RL.A OR 1'ROi'EP~TI' VALUL-S Tl-IEREIN BECAUSE: <br />'1-he variance or use shall improve the appearance of the neiehUorhood and wil] not devalue the surroundin~* <br />properties. ' <br />3. TI-IE PROPOSED US1: \'~'ILL BE CONSISTENT WITH THE CI-IARACTER OF THE DISTRICT 1T7 VJI-iICH <br />1T IS LOCATED AND T]-IE LAND USES AUTI-IORIZED THEREIN BECAUSE: <br />Being that the petition is only temporary. it will not affect -the value of the sun-ounding properties. <br />-1. T1-IE PROPOSED USE 1S COMPATIBLE WITI-I THE RECOMMENDATIONS OI= THE CITl' OF SOUTH <br />BEI~'D C'Or1/PREHE.~'SIT E' PL.-11~' BECAUSE: <br />It is the feeling oi~the Board that the variance is blending into the overall Comprehensive Plan and is not <br />deviating from it's intent. ~ , <br />C~UNDITION'S OP. RE\'1SION'S: <br />DECISION <br />IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Board that this request for Special Exception shall be passed onto the City of South <br />Bznd Conu~iw~ Council with a: FA~'024BLE RECOi\1ME1`dDATION <br />ADOPTED this 19TH Dav of.TUNL--. ~UUS <br />l'L-S NO <br />® RICH.aP.D hTLBASE <br />® CHP~ISTOPH HOFFMAN <br />® DAVID SASSANO <br />® NIALJRICE HOB.A.1~' <br />® ELON'DA \\'ILDER-I-IAMILTON <br />