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tommittu librport <br /> ttitttvz Ottittittttt <br /> The October 14, 2002 meeting of the Utilities Committee was called to order by its Chairperson, <br /> Council Member Al`Buddy"Kirsits at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Informal Meeting Room. <br /> Persons in attendance included Council Members Aranowski, Pfeifer, King, Kuspa, Varner, <br /> Kirsits, Coleman and Kelly; Mayor Stephen Luecke, Public Works Director Gary Gilot, Director <br /> of the Division of Environmental Services Jack Dillon, Assistant City Attorney Aladean DeRose, <br /> Community&Economic Development Director Jon Hunt, John Skump, Richard Nussbaum, John <br /> A. Nielsen, Director of Government and Public Affairs at Ispat Inland, Inc.; Paul A. Kempf, <br /> Director of Utilities at the University of Notre Dame;Terry Bland of the *00 5,ltu i ' :vt uu*, <br /> Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council Attorney;and other unidentified members of the public. <br /> Council Member Kirsits stated that this Committee meeting was called in order to continue the <br /> presentation by the City Administration on the proposed sewer rate increase from three weeks ago. <br /> Mayor Luecke stated that the City Administration would like to reintroduce a proposed sewer rate <br /> ordinance so that there would be first reading on the ordinance at the next Common Council <br /> meeting. The proposed rates which will be proposed will reflect a 57% increase across the board <br /> which is based on a cost of service study. Mayor Luecke noted that since the first sewer rate <br /> increase ordinance was withdrawn by the City Administration, they have had meetings with the <br /> larger users, They have revised the first ordinance somewhat and hope to buffer the impact on the <br /> larger users somewhat. <br /> Mr. Gilot then reviewed a handout entitled "October 14 Briefing to the South Bend Common <br /> Council Regarding Proposed Wastewater Utility Rates" (copy attached). He stated that the overall <br /> goal is to get everyone paying in relation to what they receive. Mr. Gilot then provided copies of a <br /> "Rate Review&Cost of Service Study--Revenues &Consumption"and a"Rate Review &Cost of <br /> Service Study --Revenues & Consumption--Current"; pages 17-20 of the study; as well as a chart <br /> on revenues,0&M, replacement,debt service and capital (copies attached). <br /> Dr. Varner inquired what the test year was for the information. Mr. Skump stated it was June 30, <br /> 2001. <br /> Mr. Gilot noted that the City is still far apart with the University of Notre Dame and INTEK, <br /> however the Administration hopes the ordinance will be passed by year-end. He stated that the <br /> City needs to move on the cost of serving principles since the City has over 500 miles of old <br /> sewers in its system. $100 million will be the least expensive CSO project with the Environmental <br /> Protection Agency pushing the City to make changes in the next 10-15 years. <br /> Mr. Skump stated that they have looked at capital improvement plans and believe that the pay as <br /> you go program is the best alternative,except for larger pmjects. <br /> Dr. Varner asked if the revenue projections for the next five (5) years have been included for the <br /> Council to review. <br /> Mr. Skump stated that 5-year projections have not been included and directed the Council to look at <br /> the information on page 15 of their study which shows that$19 million in revenue is needed. He <br /> stated that they can do projections based on customer growth, but have not done so. <br />