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Page 2 of 2 <br />The rationale for the placement change request is as follows: <br />1.Robinson Community Learning Center Wayfinding – The Robinson Center <br />has communicated that additional guidance to the RCLC entrance would be <br />helpful. Shifting Directional Sign D6 to the newly proposed location would <br />bring increased attention to entrance. <br />2.Safety & Traffic Flow – with the addition of Trader Joe’s/Phase III, an <br />increased number of cars will be entering Eddy Street Commons from the <br />south end of Eddy Street. Shifting Directional Sign D6 further south to the <br />proposed location will allow drivers to receive directional information <br />sooner after entry onto Eddy Street, therefore providing clearer messaging, <br />reducing confusion and driving inconsistency, and generating a safer and <br />more consistent traffic flow. <br />In conjunction with the above, Kite Realty Group would like to formally request approval <br />from the Board of Public Works for the sign placement shift. <br />Please find attached with this letter a site plan visually showing the newly proposed <br />location for Directional Sign D6, the relevant intersection sight triangle, a reference photo <br />for placement, and a request of placement from the Robinson Community Learning <br />Center. <br />We greatly appreciate you taking the time to revisit the directional sign placement. Thank <br />you very much for your consideration of this request. Please feel free to contact me with <br />any questions or concerns. <br />Sincerely, <br />Tony Halsey <br />Kite Realty Group